Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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are you having one of these !
Yup! Just like that! Didn't get as much sleep as I needed and my body hurts bad today. Plus my hubby is nagging me because the garden isn't in, but he hasn't even tilled yet. Now it's raining, so tilling won't get done. Um ok I think somebodies ADHD is in full swing today. Must be a day for playing with he turkeys.
Sorry, Flocks. Hope you get to feeling better.

On a turkey note, all you turkey people, my one lilac turkey has me curious about turkey personality. This one is so mellow he/she doesn't get excited. I moved her into the growout pen with my older chicks ranging in age from 8 weeks to 16 weeks. She just casually walks around, very slow and graceful and even when my large Dorking cockerel started bowing up and chasing her, she just slowly walked under the roost platform area and stood there. Is this typical behaviour? It is so different than panicking chick behaviour.
John, My wording of "hatched chick" was meant to convey that I've had many develop but not actually hatch. This is a problem that obviously has nothing to do with fertility or incubation. The fact that my own eggs hatch but shipped eggs don't makes me believe it is the shipping that is the problem. I think the embryo itself is getting damaged enough that, in many cases, it doesn't develop at all, or if they do, do not have the ability to hatch.

I brought eggs home to Illinois from caj and Roosterlane from Arkansas in March. Of the eggs that developed (meaning enough to go to the hatcher, not blood rings/early quitters), five of five hatched from caj and one died shortly after (very small and never up and about in incubator), and four of four hatched from Pauletta. The eggs from caj were shipped from Ft Smith on Wed, arriving at my daughter's home in Little Rock on Thur. The eggs from Pauletta I got directly from her on Fri, so no shipping involved. On Sat, the eggs were packaged to ride home and traveled in the trunk for the 10+ hours in a place that they could not shift around. It was March so no hot temps were involved and freezing temps were only when we got close to home but the eggs were never subjected to freezing temps. Eggs were the first thing out of the car and into the house. I turned on the incubator and got it up to temp and rested the eggs all day Sunday. The eggs went in on Monday.

I take the risk of shipped eggs because many of the breeds available here on the swap are not available around me. Hatching two Norwegian Jaerhorn chicks from 8 eggs that cost me an $18 Paypal is well worth it to me. If I factor in the number of chicks I've gotten total to the Paypal total.........it's disheartening, to say the least.

I am learning who I can get eggs from that seem to have a better chance of producing chicks. I think some "lines of travel" are easier for whatever reason.
Shipments from the NE (madam and puglady) produced many early quitters and no chicks.
Shipment from CA (debs_flock, 2 swaps) produced many no developers and blood rings, some later quitters, no chicks.
Shipment from AR (groundpecker 2 swaps) many no developers or blood rings, no chicks.
Shipment from NC (rayndebi) 3/15.
Shipment from TN (RMRippy multiple swaps/side swap) 15/49.
Shipment from TN (TNBEARCHICK 2 swaps) 1/15.
Shipments from WI (Amyable) 2/8 and (flocksalot) 4/14.
Shipment from OK (krazykat) 2/6.

To end on a happy note......here is my Icelandic hen (that hatched the two aforementioned Norwegian Jaerhorn chicks from Amyable) showing them what foraging is all about....

edited cuz I can't spell Norwegian....
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Sorry, Flocks.  Hope you get to feeling better.

On a turkey note, all you turkey people, my one lilac turkey has me curious about turkey personality.  This one is so mellow he/she doesn't get excited.  I moved her into the growout pen with my older chicks ranging in age from 8 weeks to 16 weeks.  She just casually walks around, very slow and graceful and even when my large Dorking cockerel started bowing up and chasing her, she just slowly walked under the roost platform area and stood there.  Is this typical behaviour?  It is so different than panicking chick behaviour. 

Thanks! And yes that is normal turkey behavior! They are never flighty like chicks, the love to get cuddled, and will seek out attention. I have 25 midgets in one brooder and only two hands, so they fight to climb in my hand not to get away from them. Turkeys are awesome.
Well then Im not feeling so sad now that I see your Numbers Notafarm. I'm sorry for you too. I'm not upset with anyone at all either because my own eggs are not treating me well either! LOL I just knew it's disheartening to think I was going to be overflowing with chicks when in reality I'm getting a mild drizzle :lol: AND I agree the 17$+ I paid in paypal fees per swap ( or my own eggs) is well worth it to me if I get lets say a pair from madams Bresse to hatch!!!! 2/21 eggs....so 17 x 3 sets =51$ for a pair that can produce its own chicks is well worth it to me...That goes for all my swapped eggs...If I can't get a pair to hatch then for Pete's sake, I pray I get a pullet to be able to lay an egg and have pretty eye candy!!!
Well, my grandmother swore by the farmers almanac. She and my great uncle had the awesomest, most productive gardens you could imagine. I don't understand any of it, but I am not going to discount it either. I did not realize that the Farmers Almanac had calculations for hatching. Unfortunately, I seem to set on the wrong days. I am going to try it and see.

I am a nurse, and have always hated working the few days working up to the full moon. It has always been crazy. Don't know why, but obviously moon phases do have something to contribute.
Well, my grandmother swore by the farmers almanac. She and my great uncle had the awesomest, most productive gardens you could imagine. I don't understand any of it, but I am not going to discount it either. I did not realize that the Farmers Almanac had calculations for hatching. Unfortunately, I seem to set on the wrong days. I am going to try it and see.

I am a nurse, and have always hated working the few days working up to the full moon. It has always been crazy. Don't know why, but obviously moon phases do have something to contribute.

Krafty! I got two of those books for my birthday back in Sept! I SHOULD have read them...I'm digging them out tonight :lol:
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