Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I will get better pictures tomorrow and of the comb and check my hatch records for the eggs for exactly how old. It should be about 3 months old, I bought the eggs on Jan 20th on RBA- give or take a few weeks. If she is a pullet.... maybe you still have an extra roo?
I do for now.
I will get better pictures tomorrow and of the comb and check my hatch records for the eggs for exactly how old. It should be about 3 months old, I bought the eggs on Jan 20th on RBA- give or take a few weeks. If she is a pullet.... maybe you still have an extra roo?
If it's only 3 months old definitely rooster. My girls just started reddening up and getting combs/wattles and they are 4 months old.
Im at a total loss for this years hatches
this is my 3 rd hatch of the season and once again terrible...day 22 1 bresse out nothing else...not even a pip;( Im sickened by it all!!! It makes you want to give it up!!! Ive been waiting months to hatch all the eggs out and for what?? 1 chick out of every 13-14 eggs??? And the pathetic 11 chicks that I did manage to hatch out ..from 66 eggs so far...9-10 are roos....what am I doing wrong!!!!???? I have two brinseas full of eggs too and I feel like a total failure with all these fabulous eggs ...fabulous care you folks did in packing and shipping and I have virtually nothing to show for it!! Bad day is all for me thats all sorry to be a Debbie downer
needed to vent!
I am in the same boat here. From shipped eggs, so far I have hatched six chicks and five of those were from the same set.
For some, it's not fertility. The eggs are developing, the chicks just aren't hatching.
This has been the issue for me. I have chicks make it to lock down, then on day 25, I break down and do an eggtopsie, and find out that, in some cases, they all developed and none or one hatched.

that's been my problem....out of I don't know how many LO eggs I got from a couple peeps on here, was a bunch, I had two hatch, made it to lockdown and died.
I am thinking after dry incubating, they are being drowned when I put them in lockdown and adding humidity. next hatch I am just going to add a small sponge and try to keep humidity around 45% and see if that helps....sure hope I can figure it out by the time these Jubilee eggs are ready for lockdown.....

OH! and good morning!
I have been maintaining 30-40% humidity during the first 18 then 60% at lockdown. I am trying a dry incubation this time. I wonder if it would make a difference to slowly up the humidity? Maybe starting on day 15, start adding a bit of water each day until up to the 60% for lockdown. I am thinking out loud here, but I have really been feeling depressed about my experience.
One of the reasons I am not claiming eggs is the abysmal egg to hatched chick ratio from shipped eggs. I have had many swaps that have not produced a single chick. My eggs do well so I have to think that something happens while they are in transit. I believe it was the Arkansas group that had an incubating seminar with Dr. Bramwell and I remember reading that temperature fluctuations are very stressful to eggs. This spring, at least for us, has been crazy with up and down temps. Since the downsizing of the USPS, I think packages are sitting on docks or trucks waiting for processing and are subjected to wider temperature swings. Also, longer periods of time are being taken to get from point A to point B so more chances for those swings to happen. And, the automated processing doesn't handle eggs the way they need to be handled.

Again, same boat here. The only thing that has made me feel a bit better, is that people who are experienced hatchers are having the same issues I am. IOTW I am not a complete idiot and chick murderer, which is how I have been feeling about the whole thing. I was so excited to be able to get friends and family going in this hobby. They all know that I have been trading for eggs and many were excited to get chicks. I have had to say no to every one on that level because I have hatched mostly Roo's and very few over all. General complaints on my part, but it is a small consolation for me that others are experiencing the same thing.

all around.
What causes deformed chicks? A couple chicks out of my last batch pipped, but when they did no more, and I started to help them, I noticed they were deformed. One was missing an eye, it's head was almost smooched-like. The other one looked like the brain delevoped outside the skull....?
Can anyone point me in the direction of LF BLRW, and LF silver laced cochins?

Offsite, there's a guy named Brent in southwestern OH who has GORGEOUS blrw. They're on my wish list (somewhere after new tires for my car -- the ones I've got are starting to look like racing slicks). His website's here: http://unclebeesbirds.webs.com/ and he occasionally sells eggs on ebay.
What causes deformed chicks? A couple chicks out of my last batch pipped, but when they did no more, and I started to help them, I noticed they were deformed. One was missing an eye, it's head was almost smooched-like. The other one looked like the brain delevoped outside the skull....?

I have no idea -- how awful!
Well, my grandmother swore by the farmers almanac. She and my great uncle had the awesomest, most productive gardens you could imagine. I don't understand any of it, but I am not going to discount it either. I did not realize that the Farmers Almanac had calculations for hatching. Unfortunately, I seem to set on the wrong days. I am going to try it and see.

I am a nurse, and have always hated working the few days working up to the full moon. It has always been crazy. Don't know why, but obviously moon phases do have something to contribute.
I have always found it interesting that people will swear by the Farmer's Almanac and turn their noses up at astrology in general. I feel there is some validity to it all, just not fully understood. My mother is also a nurse and worked a grave shift for many years. I remember her cursing the full moon...
Can I have all my eggs shipped to you and you hatch them for me!!!! ????
Me too????

I have noticed that the path the USPS uses seems to affect my hatches and the hatch on the eggs I have shipped. NE is terrible. CA good hatches. Nothing develops from Ohio. Iowa is great.

Maybe we should all keep track of where the shipments come from and follow hatch rate by area.
That would be interesting to track. Isn't there the great Eggspirament? The might be something to add to that thread...or a new thread altogether.

I feel like a kid on Christmas morning, just got 12 lav orp eggs and 16 jubilee eggs in the mail

What causes deformed chicks? A couple chicks out of my last batch pipped, but when they did no more, and I started to help them, I noticed they were deformed. One was missing an eye, it's head was almost smooched-like. The other one looked like the brain delevoped outside the skull....?
OMG that is aweful! So sorry!
What causes deformed chicks? A couple chicks out of my last batch pipped, but when they did no more, and I started to help them, I noticed they were deformed. One was missing an eye, it's head was almost smooched-like. The other one looked like the brain delevoped outside the skull....?
From UC Davis Avian Dept.

  1. Sign: Missing eye(s), other eye abnormalities. Causes:
  2. High incubator temperature during days 1 to 6.
  3. Low oxygen during days 1 to 6.
  4. Sign: Exposed brain. Causes:
  5. High incubator temperature during days 1 to 3.
  6. Low oxygen during days 1 to 3.
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