Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Thanks, COF. I'd rather not get into trouble.

There's just too many obstacles and too short notice on this one. I have to pick them up within a week. I need get state permits. I need to rent a trailer. And I need to find a place to put them. No, I think this would just be inviting problems. Easier just to let this one go.
good news for my speckled sussex claimers!!!!!!!!!!
I just made arrangements to buy the rest of Walt Reichert's breeding birds for this year!!!!!
I will update everyone when I get them. Just working on the meeting arrangements as he is going to a show in OH this weekend.
I got a pip! Well actually I have two ducks, a wellie, and a TURKEY! Yeah! Turkeys are the best! Next batch in three days. Man I love hatching turkeys.
Ok turkey broody is no longer amused. She saw me, hissed, and squished down so low I think the babies are gonna pop out through her. Come on crabby girl I wanna see some babies. Nope none yet. If looks could kill I'd be dead and eaten long ago, but I think she may actually be considering doing the killing. She's just too funny.
Ok turkey broody is no longer amused. She saw me, hissed, and squished down so low I think the babies are gonna pop out through her. Come on crabby girl I wanna see some babies. Nope none yet. If looks could kill I'd be dead and eaten long ago, but I think she may actually be considering doing the killing. She's just too funny.
That is the way I feel about my Salmon Faverolle. This girl is the most timid girl in the history of chickens under normal circumstances. She has the other pullets laying in the pen, and me wearing gloves to check underneath her. She just went broody. I can't imagine what she will be like once the chicks actually get here. Look out WORLD!
I love those fierce mommas!

I'm up to three turkey pips and four wellies. Better go outside for a while. A watched pot never boils and all.
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