Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I will.  I have a bag sitting on my carport right now waiting to be opened.  Only issue is most show it needs to be 28% protein and even game bird starter around here is only 22 to 24%.  I have pork liver from our butchered pigs that I am going to cook and top dress the feed with. 

You an also use eggs, cooked dry beans. Heck I've even feed them ground turkey. My meat birds go nuts for it. Don't leave it out though since it can spoil quickly.

How long do they need to be setting before I can substitute?

Try putting them under her at night, but I usually like to let them sit some eggs for a few days at least, but normally a week and they're good to go.
I think one thing we can all agree on is you have done your research on this thing :(.
I'm still so sorry that happened to you.
Thanks. me too. I am trying to be responsible. I really am.
Bad thing is with the research I have done and working for a poultry processing company, I know that any of us could have this and have no idea that we do. Birds show no symptoms unless stressed if it is the nonacute form and NPIP does not test for it. Since it doesn't affect humans they don't care.
That is the thing...no one is testing for this disease. none of the hatcheries are, and the number of breeders being monitored for this (because you cant test negative...you can just get monitored) is almost none. So almost no one knows that they have it. Has anyone else here ever had any of their birds tested for MG?
I just make sure they are definitly broody and slip em in

Yup what Clarence said, but make sure you are there to keep an eye. I had a broody that wanted to sit on eggs in the worst way. She pancaked out and growled at everything. I let her set o e eggs for a week and she was awesome. Then in the evening I slipped some chicks under her. She went screaming out of the house and actually moved to another coop. She's never been broody since. It was like she really just wanted to sit there and be pampered, but had no interest in being momma. It was all good though because one of our serial brooders took one look at the babies and crawled in there with I swear a huge smile on her face. At least it was the biggest look of content a chicken can make.
We test for MG in our turkeys, but I'm only certified for pullorium for the chickens.

With the turkeys you draw blood, let it settle for 30 minutes, draw off the serum, and send that in for lab testing. I don't know why it's only required for turkeys though. Maybe because they usually hang around longer. Either that or MAYBE they love turkeys more.
We have, tested for it and came up clean
See- that is great!!!! and highly unusual. most breeders think it is too expensive.

I have been trying to get someone to come out and test my birds but haven't had any luck. You need 1/2 cc of blood per chicken and I guess the pullorium test only needs one of those tiny capillary tubes? So the Pullorium testers don't feel experienced enough to do a real blood draw.
You an also use eggs, cooked dry beans. Heck I've even feed them ground turkey. My meat birds go nuts for it. Don't leave it out though since it can spoil quickly.

Try putting them under her at night, but I usually like to let them sit some eggs for a few days at least, but normally a week and they're good to go.
oh, I missed that question. I wait 10 days unless I'm desperate, never had a 10 day hen reject chicks. I remember someone saying gunieas ignore mothers, however, but I have not seen it so IM not sure if it is true. I also heard they eat each other, and have not seen that happen...
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