Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I've noticed that I wonder why.The eggs were all well packaged I had some with stuff written all over box fragile and eggs and then nothing on the box and still got about same result except on these last polish eggs I got from CPL got one growing out of 8 eggs.
I've noticed that I wonder why.The eggs were all well packaged I had some with stuff written all over box fragile and eggs and then nothing on the box and still got about same result except on these last polish eggs I got from CPL got one growing out of 8 eggs.

I call it shipping stress. Eggs are treated the same whether labeled or not behind closed doors. Where we see them gently handled is in front of us. Some eggs are just more easily damaged. I know I can set and hatch almost every single Midget egg, and I'm thoroughly bummed when they don't make it for others. I'm planning to try a few things with my pullets to see if it improves the viability of the eggs that was suggested by my father. Funny thing he used to have eggs shipped years ago, and I do mean years since he's a pretty old coot. And yes he knows I make fun of him. My mother has a speech problem because of a medication she was on. It caused stroke like symptoms and she's really hard to understand. I just tell everyone she's drunk. My mother never had a drink in her life so it's funny.

Anyway my dad said that when they were going to be shipping eggs they would load on certain feeds and minerals. He's trying to remember what and is getting ahold of anyone still alive that doesn't have memory problems. When he comes through for me I'll post if anyone is interested. I know for myself I want to give every potential midget a chance for a hug.

And I moved chicks around in the last couple of days.  The one lone red leghorn I have is definitely a cockerel.  I need to take his picture.


It'll be awhile before he's breed able but better a wait than never. I keep forgetting to take my iPad down by the hickeys and horses to get photos, and today it's not going to happen. Pain is at an off the freaking charts right now. The juveniles were at the back door calling for momma and just going down down the steps was where I tell telephone solicitors to go.

Kid said we should skip baseball tonight, so he can do most of the stuff himself. I'd give him a kiss if I could catch him!

It'll be awhile before he's breed able but better a wait than never. I keep forgetting to take my iPad down by the hickeys and horses to get photos, and today it's not going to happen. Pain is at an off the freaking charts right now. The juveniles were at the back door calling for momma and just going down down the steps was where I tell telephone solicitors to go.

Kid said we should skip baseball tonight, so he can do most of the stuff himself. I'd give him a kiss if I could catch him!
Sorry, Flocks, love ya, but I don't want to see pictures of your hickeys.
Whoop! Chiquta's FBCM's are popping! 5 of 8 made it to lockdown, and 4 are out, plus 2 of 3 Silkies made it to lockdown and one is pipped! Yay decent hatch!
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