Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Shipping is hard on Polish eggs.

The funny thing about this is I had 4 polish eggs(2frizzled and 2 crele) shipped to me in the april WYGS mystery swap along with 3 buckeyes, 2 mille fluer cochins and 2 cuckoo marans and the 4 polish hatched and one mille fluer cochin hatched. The cuckoo marans both internally pipped and died and the buckeyes gave up early or died about day 18.

Now lets hope there is a pair of crele and a pair of frizzled in that bunch.

ETA:These also were shipped from Washington to Ohio!
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A supposedly Peking duck just hatched, but it looks exactly like the two other not pekins. If memory serves aren't pekins yellow at hatch?

If so either someone mixed up eggs which is easy to do when they all look alike or they got a little hussy on their hands. Been there!

What do the ducklings look like? Pekins are yellow or pale brownish yellow. I mean very pale brownish yellow.
Pekins are a wonderful yellow. Then they grow and turn white and bug you to death when you go out every day to feed everyone.... Just kidding, they are very friendly.

I was going to make a comment on another post....but forgot what it was. Oh well, let me go feed everyone so I can be bugged to death by Pekins... lol
What do the ducklings look like?  Pekins are yellow or pale brownish yellow.  I mean very pale brownish yellow.


One is from our khaki Campbell's, one is one is Rouen, or so labeled, and the other was labeled Peking.


Two look like this. Man I'm not feeling well.
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