Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Quote: They are the Bt bits.
I use a half unit, with the worst months doubled. I've got around 150 chickens, forty-ish turkey poults, rabbits, calves, a cat, and four big doggies. No horses.

The Bt is safe for mammals and fish, but it affects the life cycle of lots of insects. It's not species specific.
Yeah, it said it was safe for other species, it was for mosquitos. It listed all the normal.........pond, swimming pools, standing water, flower pots, tires, tree trunks, etc. Just didn't say troughs so I wanted to be sure. I'm assuming yes, but I'll call their customer service line. I have to call them anyway, because my chicken numbers are WAY higher than the 115 cap for just ordering. I'm more in the 400-500 numbers.

Let us know how that goes. The Bt sounds really interesting especially since we live about 300 yards from a swamp. So, we have mosquito larvae develop in any standing water near the house.
I don't know if it's just because of the muscovies, but we don't get a huge fly problem. The mares get moved to the summer pasture, but with the 'scovy ducks doing ducky patrol around the breeder pens that pretty much takes care of it. Dang, it took a while to get thru tonight, lol
Now off to bed.

Night all
Finally caught up again! We've been immersed in 9th grade final exams- I am SO happy they're over!
Midgets midgets every where! Now if I could only locate those bronze midgets. That would be soooo cool!
Well, I think if you can't find them, you should recreate them!!! I want bronze midgets! :) DH said he would take more of the turks any day if I would get rid of my sebbies. I want both lol!
Pics of my jubilee trio really close to the point of laying! :love
:D Angel food cake was one of the first recipes I hunted down when I started raising chickens. I've gotten pretty good at it, I will say! Lots of practice ;)
Now I need to find a recipe. Yum!
I have Basque pipping!!
this hatch turns out better than the last two! Lots of them made it to lockdown, then died. I lowered humidity a bit this time....hope that's what the problem was.
Are they the ones from me? I hope you're having a good hatch!!!
Ok it's not a severe coffee lapse. I think I have the flu. At first I thought MUST HAVE COFFEE, then I though I was having a really bad fibromyalgia flare up, but that doesn't make me sick to my stomach. It really sucks when you cant tell if youre just in flare or really sick. I tried to walk the horses out to pasture. I'm to weak to hold onto them, so I struggled to get them some hay. Man I feel like crud! Thankfully I only had to feed babies and kiddo will take care of adults tonight before baseball. Oh man I hope baseball gets rained out.
Oh it sure stinks to feel ill. I hope you feel better soon!!!
Does anyone have just black ameraucanas? I need some for a project.


I have 3 White Bresse in the brooder that hatched last Sunday from chiqita's eggs.
They are the friendliest little chicks, but very loud!
I have 3/6 RP Turkey eggs ready to go into lockdown tomorrow from krazykat.

I have 6/7 White Bresse eggs from madamwlf that are developing well on day 8

I have 3, maybe 4,/4 RP turkey eggs and I think 2/2 BCM eggs from chiqita all developing well on day 5

It's a good thing I am retiring next month, I have a lot of coops to get built!
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