Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Picture time........

Khaki Campbells from COF. Now, are these all girls ? Or are the two with the darker heads going to be boys. They hatched end of March, I think. ( I have given up on keeping track ) The little ones are call ducks from Mary Langdon.

These are 2 girls from ProfTi... I had a mixed poult also, but that one was sold. Not sure if they are pure Boubon Reds...but I can't do anything without them under my feet, tripping me or jumping up and trying to eat my nail polish..... LOL

Picture time........

Khaki Campbells from COF. Now, are these all girls ? Or are the two with the darker heads going to be boys. They hatched end of March, I think. ( I have given up on keeping track ) The little ones are call ducks from Mary Langdon.

These are 2 girls from ProfTi... I had a mixed poult also, but that one was sold. Not sure if they are pure Boubon Reds...but I can't do anything without them under my feet, tripping me or jumping up and trying to eat my nail polish..... LOL

Awww......those turkeys are adorable.
I hatched a nj from cjwaldon today. Waitin for it to fluff up to get a picture so you guys can tell me if its a boy or girl. Think its a boy though. Here is a picture of it now, until he gets fluffy.
I have two guineas from MrsMooncat out and in brooder, another pipped and a pip on a Rhodebar (4th try without any hatching to date). I'm excited. This is already looking to be my best hatch in a long time.

With all this good hatching news, maybe whatever the weird stuff that was going on is slowing down or going away?
Good morning and happy Friday! I hope everyone has a great day! Congrats to everyone with chicks and poults hatching! I have 24 BLRWs popping like popcorn this morning. :)
make that two out, one zipping, and one pip
Yay!!! I always have a few hatch a day early. I hope the others come out and play today! I have your baby grand-turks growing happily BTW. I think 7/8 looked good when I candled. :D
Good morning!

I'm feeling much better today! Now I'm only like a bazillions of things behind. Hubbies coming home today, so hopefully I can get his help with some of it. We need to make room for the first batch of cornishX and freedom rangers that come in next week. All are already spoken for along with the next batch. We are doing them each in 200/50 batches of chicks, so we need to move the old greenhouse to brood them in. I have a lot more turkey eggs coming through the cooking process, so there will be some shuffling there too. The juveniles did just fine with the adults yesterday, so I may let them run again today. I did separate them overnight though. I'll see how it all shakes out today and go from there. It was mixing them together at night that lead to Harvey's injury last year. Three of those juveniles are White Hollands, so it won't be long before they are much bigger that the midgets though.

Oh for whoever it was that had the Khaki Campbell's, the boys will be MUCH quieter, have darker heads, develop a green beak, and get markings on their wings similar to the mallard in a way. They also get a cute little curl on their tail feathers as adults.
Does anyone have just black ameraucanas? I need some for a project. Updates: I have 3 White Bresse in the brooder that hatched last Sunday from chiqita's eggs.
They are the friendliest little chicks, but very loud! I have 3/6 RP Turkey eggs ready to go into lockdown tomorrow from krazykat.
I have 6/7 White Bresse eggs from madamwlf that are developing well on day 8
I have 3, maybe 4,/4 RP turkey eggs and I think 2/2 BCM eggs from chiqita all developing well on day 5
It's a good thing I am retiring next month, I have a lot of coops to get built!
I have 8black ameracauna chicks...don't know if you wanted eggs or chicks. I would be willing to let 3 or 4 go.
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