Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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For co broodies just be sure the hens don't see each other as a threat. I had a friend who had one broodies kill all the chicks of the other. The aggressor was so aggressive they had to rehome the second bird.

My broodies puff up and yell at each other but a lot prefer to have a friend to raise babies with. My silkies will break off into packs of 2 or 3 when the chicks areclose to the same age. When ione mother quits the rest will take over until the last mother standing has all the chicks.

I have 2 marans co brooding on the porch right now!

Mine are in separate boxes but fairly close together and so far I haven't seen any animosity between the two. The idea of them raising chicks together is too cute :D
I had a chicken and a turkey co-brood. They had gotten up under the barn where I couldn't get to them. They walked off with a dozen or so chicks. No poults. Mama turkey and Mama hen raised them together for about a week before Mama turkey turned them over to Mama hen. However, if Mama hen went into attack mode on anything, Mama turkey always came running as backup. It was funny.
Wow thank you SO MUCH!!, yes life happens and several people here have been nice enough to send me the highlights of people bashing me and BM6 lately. Do I need to remind everyone that I started this swap? I have no intention of cheating anyone of anything least of all some eggs. I don't take full credit for the success of the swap, Madamwlf 1st started offering her CCL and Tolbunts on the swap and that helped me make the decision to offer my rare breeds to all. I am super glad Madamwlf offered to take the swap at the 1st of the year. Giving it up was one of te hardest decisions I have ever made in my life, and I was a corporate executive for years before I became disabled so I have made some hard decisions in my life. With my mother in law dying in my living room this Winter and my declining health, giving up the swap turned out for the best. I have been told some people are calling me "Wayne" seriously?? Give me a break, sticks and stones and all that. If I intended to rip anyone off here I would have been long gone. I want to thank all the people who have sent me encouraging PM's especially my Christian friends. Pysanksi girl. I am so sorry to hear about your recent troubles.

So publicly so there is no confusion I am setting the last of my eggs this Sunday/Monday for chick shipping and then I will resume sending out eggs. To those who have been especially nasty during all of this I will be sending you paypal refunds, I do not care to waste my rarebreed eggs or time and money on you.

I want to thank everyone who has been supportive communicated or not communicated, I know who you are. I apologize for my absence and lack of communication these past few months, I will try to make myself more avalible now. I do still have over 300+ PM's to answer and I will try to get to them all.

And to those whining about me buying birds on RBA recently, I make no apologies it is much easier to make a bid on RBA in a few seconds and get offline than to answer PM's or check the chat board. Forgive me and as always I plan to share eggs/chicks from any newly acquired breeds.

Please if you have any issues with me or questions PM me instead of stewing about it, I will try to get back to you as soon as I can.


Great to see you back! I hope things start to become "normal" again for you!
Oops I just realized I didn't get my last two swaps cleared. I forgot I had to do that. I've paid but I didn't get it OKed before I claimed another offer. I PMed Bee so she could confirm payment and mzstre too but I wanted to fess up. Not sure what the penalty is so please just let me know. So sorry. I really didn't mean to and I hope I didn't make anybody angry.
Love us or hate us at least we do it! So hope the birdies arrived OK though. Most of us USPS employees are very careful with all our parcels... But I do wish our management would do a better job at educating non farm folks about how to handle live animals and eggs especially. About the heat/cold sensitivity no shaking etc. Most people don't understand how this effects hatch ability.
We don't hate the good postal workers, we hate the machine that we're forced to use because we lack other options, only to have hundreds of dollars of eggs and birds wrecked, killed, etc. I have family members who are carriers for USPS, and I love them, but for every good postal worker, there are many more ignorant ones who don't care for other people's belongings. I've had packages marked "Fragile" obliterated, and yes, they were packed properly. The boxes are often punctured, corners dented in, etc. That's handling, not poor packing technique.
Oops I just realized I didn't get my last two swaps cleared. I forgot I had to do that. I've paid but I didn't get it OKed before I claimed another offer. I PMed Bee so she could confirm payment and mzstre too but I wanted to fess up. Not sure what the penalty is so please just let me know. So sorry. I really didn't mean to and I hope I didn't make anybody angry.

Penalty disbursed.
Ignorant is probably right...there are a lot of temporary workers being hired right now to replace retirees and they typically only receive about half the training a normal hiree would get...of course they can be fired more easily.... But they also get paid way less. Just FYI you CAN ship live animals thru the airlines from one airport to another for pickup....but the cost is!!!!
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