Hatching eggs with hen


6 Years
Sep 16, 2013
I have decided to add to my flock. After some research I have decided to go with hatching eggs. I would also prefer to have them hatched by my hens instead of using an incubator. I have one exceptionally broody hen whom I know will hatch them. That said, do I need to move her to a different area or can I leave her in the original coop? There are two actual nest boxes one of which she occupies almost constantly and one open nesting area in the lower portion of the coop. My other question is will it matter that she has not actually been exposed to a roo? Will it make a difference to her in whether or not she does a good job raising them? I am very new to this process because when I obtained my first flock I obtained an established flock of adult hens so this is my first experience with chicks. Is there any special protocol I should follow for adding the eggs or anything I should do throughout the process? Thank you!!
You may have to move her depending on whether the other chickens are pestering her to move of the nest as this might break her broodiness over time, I had to to move my broody hen eventually as this was happening. She will be just as good of a mother with or without a rooster. Are you putting fertile eggs underneath the hen? :)
Hello well you can decide wether to move her or not if you have other hens who have access to the nest she is in they may lay more eggs in her nest or possibly crush them so It would proberly be best to separate her of somewhere where she can still hear the others or maybe you could separate her off inside the coop?
Also are the eggs you are giving her fertilised because if you are giving her some off her own eggs the hens that laid them would of had to be in with a roo her not being in with a rooster will not change her behaviour on how she raises them :)
good luck
Yes I am ordering fertilized eggs for hatching. If I do separate her how big of an area do I need to provide her? Thanks for all of the help!
As she is broody she won't need a big area at all. Just enough space to place a drinker and feeder even maybe a space for a dust bath. Once she hatches out the chicks she will need a larger area. Hope everything goes well with her and your possible chicks :)
Thanks! Will the chicks need to stay separate from the other chickens? Will they attack them or once the chicks are ready to venture out can I simply open her pen up to the current run?
I would keep the chicks away from your other flock apart from there mum as they will peck on them. I would put the chicks with the others when their about 14 weeks old. That's when I put mine in :)

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