Hatching eggs won from MPC Easter giveaway

Love it. What incubator are you using? I currently have a mix of interesting eggs in a Brinsea 20 Eco that I purchased from MPC. I have some Black Copper Marans, Blue Orpington, Buff Orpington, Black Copper Marans X Creme Legbar (F1 Olive Eggers) and two mystery bantam eggs.
Love it.  What incubator are you using? I currently have a mix of interesting eggs in a Brinsea 20 Eco that I purchased from MPC. I have some Black Copper Marans, Blue Orpington, Buff Orpington, Black Copper Marans X Creme Legbar (F1 Olive Eggers) and two mystery bantam eggs.  

Im using a Hova-bator but may transfer to my Brinsea
Update for Eggs won from MPC: 7 of 14 look to be developing the ones that are developing are all 4 Ameri-flowers, 1 Easter egger, 1 Super Blue egg layer, 1 BBS Maran I can't see in the Olive eggers very well but they look clear and cant see in the marans really well but they look clear as well but will leave them in to make sure. Will candle again on Saturday day 14 and then toss clears.

Here are the eggs I won along with some of my own eggs to fill up the bator.

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