Hatching EMEGENCY!


12 Years
Feb 27, 2010
Miami, Florida
My eggs hatched yesterday (7 of them), and I thought they were all done. But now theirs one that peeped an hour ago. After all the stress of 2 not breaking out completlly and dieing, it start all over. I feel really stressed. Yesterday their was one all most all out and it died and then their was one that peeped and died. I tried help a little becouse it was all most out and it was peeping like crazy and one of it wings was flapping around, but I didnt want to over due it, and I thought that it could come out all the way, but it did'nt I felt horrible for not helping it more and now after all that, here comes another.....
But this one peeped in the wrong area, and I tried to find it beak, and the little sucker, instead of keep on peeping all its way out, it rolled its body to another side in the egg im going crazy. AND MY BROTHER JUST CALLED SAYING THE NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR GAVE HIM A Peacock EGG!!!!
I can't tell him NO and not offer a chance to hatch for the egg, but it just stresses me out more, and me under stress = Breakdowns, extreme loss of weight ( i just won't eat for 2 days straight).

Whats going to happen with this crazy chick? Will it come out fine, and please don't lie?

......... and how long can they be hatching?

and can it breath in that position?
leave them alone its nature and you interfearing will not help do you want to end up with deformed birds ? I dont mean that in a bad way and i learned the lesson your learing my self last year also I leave my eggs in the incubator untill 2 days past the hatching date I have never had a bird hatch more then 2 days past 21 out of 12 hatchings I have attended to
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thats exactlly how I felt, but after the other one dieing( that was half way out) I feel as if I could of saved it life If I just would of helped
Relax- Go eat something and go to sleep. See what's there in the morning. Other than leave the eggs in lockdown in the incubator there is nothing you should do. When chicks peep and pip and start to zip and end up dying it means they were not going to be healthy chicks to begin with. Just relax and let nature handle it. you have already done your part.
I can't do that, that would be like stabbing myself and letting me die. My emotion won't let me sleep and I will probably get mad at myself for eating at a time like this!

Yep, you need to chill, leave the room, and let whats gonna happen happen, every time you open the incubator you are making thinks harder for the chick. I have been known to help, but it sounds like you have weak or unhealthy chicks on your hands.

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