Hatching EMEGENCY!

Have you hatched eggs before? I just finished my first hatch and while I didn't help any of them, I did end up helping one that my hen left in the nest. It was cold, and it had pipped, so I helped. And now it is fine.

While I agree that most of the time nature knows best, when we use an incubator we aren't exactlly letting nature have its way. There are so many variables, that we control, not just nature. So I think that maybe sometimes nature just needs a little push to even out the balance. Not all stuck chicks are weak or deformed. Some might be stuck because the incubation was not as nature intended.

Here is a link that might give you some idea as to why a chick pips and doesn't finish the hatch. Maybe there is something you can change or control. Just a shot.


I would tell you to relax, but I know how hard that can be. I hope the baby makes it out ok.
OK Kristen,
go to the part where there is a lock on it and it is about helping and it says if you must intervene. Read it and if I were you - I would help. You just have to be careful that you don't make it bleed to death. Read it and go slow. Good luck.
hey stop blaming your self you did your part as someone said its up to nature not you if you try to help you may kill it as it is absorbing the yolk at the point when its poking at the shell it needs to absorb the yolk into its stomich to survive up to the first 3 days with no food or water as it learns to eat and drink maybe have a glass of wine or a beer
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