Hatching Goose eggs


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 9, 2014
I have 3 goose eggs from my pair in the incubator, they are at day 14. Up until 3 days ago the temperature and humidity were perfect, I just have some water in the middle section.

But, I seem to have lost control of the humidity. The water in the middle now makes it go too high, if I take it out it goes too low. I have resorted to putting a damp piece of kitchen towel in and out as required, but of course, when I leave it overnight, or if I go out it dries up and the humidity goes too low again.

I candeled the eggs 3 days ago and was thrilled to actually see a heartbeat and movement in them all. I candeled again last night and now I think they may have died. How long should I leave it before I give up on these eggs? Can the eggs withstand these variations and stay viable?

What am I doing wrong?

If I lose these I can take some more from the nest as Geraldine is still laying.

All the goslings are doing well, one of them is now standing up properly, but the other two don't seem to be able to find their legs.
Is that normal at this stage?
They look a bit pathetic with their legs and big feet sticking out either side of them.
Are they on a slippery surface? I put all my babies on shelf liner so they don't get splayed legs. If not, then they may just need to rest more.
I wouldnt give up just yet. The problem hasnt been happening long enough to kill them. I know people that run a dry incubator until hatch date then add water and it doesnt bother the eggs. Sometimes at the mid point, which you are near at 14 days you wont see much movement. Have you been misting the eggs? If not that maybe your problem. Misting every other day is the best to keep humidity. Also is your incubator a forced air or a still air? Forced air can sometimes dry it out too quick which is where misting really comes in handy. I mist the eggs regardless of what they kind of bator they are in. Also the outside elements can alter the humidity, a dry day out can lower it and a rainy day can raise it.
I really dont think you lost your eggs. If you did i dont believe it was from the humidity fluctuation.
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Here we go then...stress levels building!

I am at day 24 of my goose egg incubating. So far all seems well and the chicks are still alive

My question is, do I stop turning now? The air sacs are well developed and have dipped a bit.

What day do I go in to lock down again please?

Keep talking to me it's the only way I'll stay sane. This is my 1st time with goose eggs! HELP!!!
Oh boy so much to know. I have 4 goose eggs being shipped to me and I have never used an incubator before. We have a goose who went really broody on us so I was going to give them to her but now I think she has given up. So I bought a little giant cheap bator at TS. I did not by the turner thing it looked like it only held chicken eggs. It's a still air. I ready to turn them 3 times per day. I just don't know about the water part that is unclear. Add water? Not add water? Just mist them? Help!!

1 of my 3 goose eggs has pipped internally, but the other 2 are about 24 hrs away I think.

What do I do? I will stop turning the 1 but do I lock down or wait for the others?

I need to up the humidity now for that 1, but will it harm it to wait another 24 hours?

If the others do not pip in the next 24 hours do I assume they are not going to or shall I remove to somewhere else warm ( not another incubator as I don't have another one).
Stop turning. Stop opening the lid. The humidity drops when you open it. The goslings need to position themselves to hatch. Don't expect all 3 to hatch the same day. If they aren't all out at day 3, take the hatched ones out than check the egg.
The humidity has run at 10 % the whole time as I couldn't get it under control with the fan going.

Shall I up the humidity now then, before the others have pipped?
And breathe, after re reading the fantastic incubation guide put on here by Chicken Obsessed, I realise that I do not alter any settings just yet.

This is me at the moment!

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