hatching help questions


In the Brooder
12 Years
Dec 24, 2007
I filled my incubator, 41 eggs. 21 hatched. 1 peep's intestines were hanging out so I had to cull it, everybody else is great. I waited another 24 hours after the last peep hatched before shutting off the incubator and taking the eggs out. I always take any eggs out that did not hatch to crack and see what kind of surprises I might find (which were fertilized and which were not). I had 4 peeps not hatch and they still had a large yolk attatched. They looked great other than the yolk was not absorbed all the way. I am so bummed, their were 3 naked necks in the "not hatched". Why did they not finish growing? Should I have left the incubator on longer? Is 4 out of 25 fertilized eggs not hatching good or bad? This is only the 5th time we have used the incubator. In the past I have had 2 or 3 not hatch.
Some people feel 50 percent is a great hatch rate .. And some people wait up to 25 days before removing them .. I think the Hatching of eggs is the great debate .. I see here more than any area huge discrepancy's in what each person feels is the best way to hatch .. I am glad you at least got as many as you did !
Thank you, me too! So, we got more than 50% hatch rate! Yeah for my chickens!!! Why were there 4 with yolks still attatched? Is it normal for them to die so far into the growing stage and not finish right at the end?
I do candle at the time I set my eggs in the hatcher. Any eggs not developed or those evidently early quitters I take out before I put the eggs in the hatcher. Any eggs that are questionable I mark and put them in the hatcher with the rest of the good eggs. I usually leave any unhatched eggs in the hatcher for at least 25 days. I have had some late hatchers.

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