Hatching Time


Apr 28, 2017
Well, its day 19 and i have 1 of the bantam eggs that has pipped, and about halfway zipped. I adding subtracting in my head trying to figure "Why", then it hit me, i read on here that bantams may indeed start at 19. Ok heres the question, can i take the bantam(s) out after its dry, or do i leave it in there for 2 more days? I have a powered humidifier whichs brings it back up in minutes.
just checked again, got 2 babies out and resting. You here about not opening the lid at lockdown, so i wasnt sure if i should get them out after drying, or would it hurt the remaining larger eggs.
day 20, got 8 out so far. Do any of you put a small red light in the incubator? The lil monsters are pecking each other, and they cant even stand good? 1 had a moist red spot where the cord came off and another 1st born would not stop pecking at it...immediately took his tail and the other 2 oldest and popped them in the brooder. Is all this pecking normal as soon as they hatch? Think before next hatch, i'll put a couple lil barriers where i can put chicks with raw cords, so they dont get pecked..
Day 21. Ended up with 19 out of 22 eggs.Started with 24, but 2 were not fertile. My son is happy because the one Silkie egg hatched. Alien looking lil thing, very dark skin and neon blonde hairs when it hatched..On the 3 that didnt make it, i tried to examine the eggs, but still pretty much clueless as to "What" im looking at/for. 1 of them had not absorbed the yolk, the other 2 had, but just died...With having 19 from 22 viable eggs, im wondering if i need to adjust humidity/temp next time, or just use the same settings?.


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