Hatching under a broody hen info! Help!

I would leave her in the coop. All my hens hatch out in the coop. No one bothers them, they may lay when she gets up, but you can remove those. Or you can get a dog kennel and put it in your coop. All of my hens have their babies out on day two of the hatch. They are in with the others so there is no integration issues. I have two hens out in my coop now with 2 roosters and 10 hens and 4 teens, between the two hens they have 18 chicks no one bothers them. They learn where all buggy honey holes are. It is a
watching a mom try to watch over 12 chicks. She is doing a great job. The Marans has 6 and is doing fantastic job also. It is a blast to watch, they don't let anyone to close, unless they trust them. Have fun give her a few. I wouldn't move her.

This sounds soooo cute! I can't wait.
Question about temperature!! It's 58 degrees out right now and it's 7:52. Because my hen is a bantam and because it's getting colder outside, will it hatch? Or will it be too cold? I don't know why I'm so afraid it won't hatch..Maybe just nervous.. Thanks everyone:) Hope she stays broody until the egg comes! I think she will, if she doesn't I have an incubator:)
As long as she's covering the egg completely it'll stay warm enough. Broody hens' body temperature is a bit higher than normal, so they provide adequate heat for the eggs to develop.
The egg has been shipped! I'm hoping my broody hen will stay broody! It should arrive any time...:) I got the email it had been shipped at 10:50 p.m. and the email was sent at 10:30 p.m. And! I have another question! While my hen is hatching this egg, should I be giving her food and water? I just don't know if that would cause her to getting up off the nest..And is it normal for her to get off the nest once in a while? Curious just in case she does...Thanks!
Don't feed her on the nest, it may cause her to relieve herself in there and then your egg will get soiled. Place food and water near her, but far enough so she'll have to get up to eat and drink. broodies get up once a day to eat and drink and dust bath, but don't worry if she skips a day now and then. I've had a hen go 3 days without getting up!
Don't feed her on the nest, it may cause her to relieve herself in there and then your egg will get soiled. Place food and water near her, but far enough so she'll have to get up to eat and drink. broodies get up once a day to eat and drink and dust bath, but don't worry if she skips a day now and then. I've had a hen go 3 days without getting up!
Oh! Okay! Thanks!!! Egg should be here tomorrow!
They're here!! I say "they're" because they sent me two..I'm guessing for better a better hatch. Before I set them for 12 hours, I candled them to make see if they had any side air sacks, were porous, etc. Egg 1 (Boo) Is porous, can't tell if it's a blood ring, and I MIGHT see a vein but not for sure. Egg 2 (Spook) has some veins, is NOT porous, I think I MIGHT have seen some movement. Both eggs air sacks look good. I'm surprised they even look like they have veins..Could it be my eyes fooling me? Doesn't that mean they already started day 1? I'm HOPING they will hatch on Halloween. Wish me luck! And what do you think about already seeing veins? Is it just me eyes? Thanks
That's why I was weirded out! lol I thought maybe it's because they're white eggs..I dunno..I'll see on day 4 I guess. :p I'll also upload a pic of my broody hen tomorrow!

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