Hatching with 2 broodies

Noone panic! I just saw my first "in real life" silkie when I went to get hatching eggs LOL I have been doing a lot of reading because I am obsessed with finding out LOL This thread has lost of good tips @Lesa Mae

I think it is HILARIOUS that they are all named Sara :lau  I have Chipmunk and white butt and grey butt for names LOL

No panic it is what it is!!! My concern is my daughter may disown me as they are all at her farm and she had said no rooster but her daughter and I convinced her otherwise. Now the the windows are open again she may never sleep again if we go from 1 Roo to 6 LMAO!!!!!!
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I thought it was hilarious too, could not stop laughing when we first found out about an all-Sara hatch!

I have a white silkie roo that I got as a chick - that's my only experience with silkies, and I heard him crow before I even tried to tell gender. I do not think he is pure silkie though, probably 2nd generation, silkie feathering and black skin, but bigger size and redder crest. Aaanyway, looking back, his "hair" had started looking as if it was sleeked back with gel shortly before that... neither of the front ones in the photo look like that, can't tell with the one behind... then again, my experience limited to a sample of one is hardly scientific...
I thought it was hilarious too, could not stop laughing when we first found out about an all-Sara hatch! :lol:

I have a white silkie roo that I got as a chick - that's my only experience with silkies, and I heard him crow before I even tried to tell gender. I do not think he is pure silkie though, probably 2nd generation, silkie feathering and black skin, but bigger size and redder crest. Aaanyway, looking back, his "hair" had started looking as if it was sleeked back with gel shortly before that... neither of the front ones in the photo look like that, can't tell with the one behind... then again, my experience limited to a sample of one is hardly scientific...  :confused:

Glad I could provide the entertainment for everyone :lau. I guess that's what happens when you let the monkeys run the zoo!!!!

There are days I think crap there are a lot of Roos there just by the way they're standing then the next day they're all girls not a single boy! I need a pro to help me out with this one if there is anyone who's familiar with silkies please feel free to comment I will get some better pics this week hopefully
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@ItalyChickie just to clarify. I had two Easter hatches. One from Norma...Her chicks were all sold, and one from Petunia. That is where I got Stella and Cosmo

Then on Mother's Day...3 weeks later I had another broody hatch the Del Crew plus 1. They are 4 + weeks old now and the Delawares all look like this:

In an effort to prove my fears...this little one and Cosmo started sparring mid photo session...

I will try to take pics of the other three later but you get the idea

Theresa hatched 3 on Sat
Beakface has a clutch due next
Gracie Belle after that

and about a week after GB's babies come the incubated chicks will hatch 5 Pita Pintas and 18+ Konzas are being set.
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Thank you for clarifying, and the pics! (Did I mention that Cosmo is gorgeous??)

Yep, I get the idea... As a side note, the broody twins were the queens of sparring at that age, and had very similar feathering (i.e very little!), but I can't argue with those combs... theirs were yellow and smaller.

Just occurred to me - I hope I didn't come across like I thought I knew more about sexing chicks than you do! That wasn't the idea, and if I did, I am sorry - as it most definitely isn't the case! I just thought it'd be fun/useful to have updated pics of growing chicks to compare with - that sort of thing is actually quite hard to find, and I'd likely be checking in here if I have similar breeds/mixes growing, or even just for straight comb size and color at 4 weeks.
Well, friends, what have I gotten myself into???? I have 14 hens. One rooster. 8 Pullets. One "wanted" cockerel. 9 stowaway cockerels. This broody thing was just an experiment, right? Like… maybe they will hatch… maybe not. Maybe we will get one or two. Maybe none. After candling today, on day 10, I may be in for more than I bargained for. My inexperienced eye saw veining in ALL TEN eggs under MJ. The blues were dark, but I could make out veining in them all and movement in a couple. One brown showed movement and both whites showed little wigglers in there. Shhhh don't tell my hubby!!!!!
I hatched 17 mixed chicks about a month ago and a bunch of them look like boys. Most are salmon faverolle buff orpington mixes, or EE buff orp, with a few Faverolle X EE and a couple of straight EE. Also got a marans X EE mix this last batch. ..anyway more anyway more are looking like boys to me than girls. Not sure about any of them really except one EE pullet. She is really light colored anyway tend obviously a girl. It's weird because the faverolle X buffs feather really fast, but some other faverolle mixes are feathering really slow. And not coming in orange. It is possible they are true faverolles, but are about too big. I have a BO, SF, Blue copper marans and an EE rooster. A barnyard bantam hen 2 salmon faverolles and an EE, which apparently leads to some obvious mixes and some not so obvious
@tommysgirl Cosmo is the Millesfleur/Silkie right? With the mom milles fleur and the white silkie dad? like my chipmunk? And Stella is the black and white one right? Does she have the same parentage?

Yep...I will be super curious if your chipmunk looks the same. Cosmo and Stella were both chipmunky babies and yes they are at least half siblings. I love Stella's coloring...I am hoping to hatch more like her this fall
Well, friends, what have I gotten myself into???? I have 14 hens. One rooster. 8 Pullets. One "wanted" cockerel. 9 stowaway cockerels. This broody thing was just an experiment, right? Like… maybe they will hatch… maybe not. Maybe we will get one or two. Maybe none. After candling today, on day 10, I may be in for more than I bargained for. My inexperienced eye saw veining in ALL TEN eggs under MJ. The blues were dark, but I could make out veining in them all and movement in a couple. One brown showed movement and both whites showed little wigglers in there. Shhhh don't tell my hubby!!!!!
hahahaha. you sound like me!
Just use broodies
hope for a couple get 6 so far
have them be successful to the tune so far of 24 chicks and counting

My H did give all of this the go ahead but I do think when there are 30+ chicks here he may have some second thoughts.

Here are Del pics. Does anyone see a girl in the mix?

Snack Time...Melon <3

The crew ^^^

A and B^^^

A and B with Cosmo^^^

C and D with momma. ^^^
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