Hatching with Broody Hens/ Infertile Eggs


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 9, 2012
I have two Silkie chickens who just started sitting on some infertile eggs for the first time. This was about four or five days ago. I felt bad for stealing their eggs and didnt think they would be such good moms! I am going to go and get a dozen fertilized eggs on Sunday(two days from now), and swap them. Will my chickens know how long to sit on them considering they have already been sitting on the old eggs for four days(or by then almost a week)?

Also how long do the eggs last for eating? Im guessing these ones are completly done for considering they have been kept quite warm.
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First, I would not eat the infertile eggs that they have been setting on(but that's just me...). However in a cool enviroment eggs will last quite a while the eggs you buy in a store are usually a week or two old when you get them. I would Just leave the eggs that they have been setting on until you replace them on Sunday. If they are good brooders they will sit until the chirping of chicks wakes them from their broody trance. Hens aren't keeping time they don't know if they have been sitting for 20 days or 50 days so you don't have to worry that they will give up right on day 21
I had a hen set for almost 50 days only to end up finally hatching out one baby.. The first clutch failed. If your hen is a good broody she will not get off the nest til the job is done. Just swap them at night whe she is sleeping and the best advice i can give is put her in her own pen away from the rest of the flock with food and water close by. I used one of the giant plastic tubs and it was just the right size for a broody hen. Hope this helps and good luck..
My silkies and bantams will sit without any limit on how long they've been on the nest, whether they have eggs or not. I collect eggs every day, so I take the newly-laid eggs from underneath them. I suppose they get off the nest for a break and the new egg is laid while they're gone. Yes, I feel bad when I get the new eggs, but they complain when they're bothered because they're sitting, not because they know the egg is going! If I miss a day collecting eggs, I don't take a chance on trying to eat eggs that may have been under a hen more than a few hours. Putting the hen by herself is good to keep more eggs from being mixed into the to-hatch bunch, if you can't tell whether an egg is fresh or not. I had an egg break from a big hen getting into the nest to lay when the mama was off. Sad that that chick was developing in the egg.
Thanks guys!!! You are very helpful and I feel like Im getting a hold on it now. I really appreciate it! I hope my chickens dont smash the eggs on accident, they better not! The problem is that they all lay in the same box and wont lay anywhere else.

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