Hatching %


12 Years
Apr 3, 2011
San Diego
What do you consider your hatching %. I hear of people saying 90% hatch, or 50% hatch and so forth. Does that mean from number of eggs you initially put in the incubator or how many hatch that have made it to lockdown?
Hmm, I would say around 75% hatch (mostly) sorry I'm new to this and it's my first time hatching, that's what my directions say! //bites nails
It usually means how many eggs you initially put in you incubator. So if you put in 10 eggs and only hatch 8 then you have an 80% hatch rate. However, some other people calculate it by the number of eggs that were actually fertile. For example if you hatch 8 eggs out of 10 but only 9 were fertile then you would have an 89% hatch rate.

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