Have a question about 1 of my Embden geese. Please help!


10 Years
Jul 27, 2009
Eastern Shore, VA
I have noticed that one of my female Embdens Gwendolyn is smaller than her sister (or hatch mate) Delilah. They both started laying eggs in February and stopped in May. They also took in my 2 new babies when I got them for Mother's day. My concern is that Gwen looks much smaller than Delilah is. She has always been smaller but she looks like she has lost weight or it could be my being constantly worrying about if something is wrong with any of my feathered friends. They were both 1 year old in May of this year.

Can anyone help?

Does anyone know what could be wrong with Gwen. She is the nicer one and I don't want something to be wrong but she is molting but that doesn't explain her size.

Please someone out there in goose land!!
Is she eating well? is she drinking well? Is her behavior happy and healthy? If so, she is just small, it happens. If not, yes.. only a vet can tell you. Have you wormed them? Do they have lice? these are common issues.
Can you pick her up? Feel her keel (the bone that runs down the middle under her craw. Is it prominent? Compare her to her sister. How's the color of her beak and feet? Lighter than her sister or the same color? She just may be smaller than her sibling and always will be. If she is eating and acting ok and not too thin (checking that keel will tell you that), I wouldn't worry. You can feed her peanit butter bread, it helps fatten them up.
Thanks for the replies. Gwendolyn's feet and beak are pretty close to Delilah (her sister). I did worm the whole flock with Wazine and I just gave her the worming stuff that is for horses it has the main ingredient that starts with an F and it is out in the shed. She is eating and drinking and acts normal. She has always been smaller than her sister but it just kinda seems she like she is smaller.

Is it possible that since she took in and mothered my 2 babies in May, could she have lost weight caring so well for them she didn't take care of herself. I mean does that happen or am I just hoping it isn't anything more than that.

I think you just answered your problem. My geese always look thinner and a bit scraggly when they are raising young. They also seem to molt afterwards also and this makes them look thin and unkempt. As long as her color is good and she is eating well I would not be overly alarmed. Give her extra treats and keep an eye on her.

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