In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 16, 2012
Please help! I have Safe-Guard liquid for my two peas but is it alright to add the recommended 3cc's to a quart of water instead of a gallon? I only have two peas and know that they would never drink a gallon of water in a day. I have tried it on bread and bread with peanut butter and they turn their beaks up at it. It is so hot in this part of Texas right now I have a wading pool that I add a jug of frozen water to it daily to help cool them off. I know I will need to drain this when I go to worm them. They are looking fine but I just want to get started on a worming schedule. Thanks!
I would just mix the gallon and fill the water container. Do it for 3 days then I use Ivemectn pour on for cattle 14 days after the safeguard wormer treatment. Use 1cc and squirt it directly on the skin at base of the neck, do not worry if some gets on the feathers, just try to get at least half on the skin. Putting 3cc in a quart of water maybe way to srong of the wormer and cause damage or death. Better to toss the 3 quarts of mixture then the birds.
3cc/gallon of water = 1 1/2cc per 1/2 gallon of water or 3/4 cc per 1 quart of water. (There are 4 quarts in a gallon, aren't there?)
That was what I was thinking. Sorry I just got back on, been working on what we are calling 'Phase I' of our peafowl pen. So dang hot here in Texas right now! Thanks for y'all's help!

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