Have an egg that's hatching early


7 Years
Jul 25, 2012
Western Washington
I currently have 29 guinea eggs in the incubator that are due to start hatching next weekend. I started with 36 but tossed 5 for not progressing, and lost 2 to cracks in the shell. Anyway, everything seems to be going fine and last night when I candled the they all seemed to be developing right on track. However this morning I thought I heard a little chirp while I was turning them. I didn't think anything of it because all the windows are open and I also have a mama hen in the yard with a few chicks so I thought it was just them close to the house. But, I just went to turn them again and found one had piped already! To make matters worse, it's on the wrong end of the egg. I quickly added more water to raise the humidity and added a wet cloth next to the egg to help keep the moisture up so it won't shrink wrap, but I'm not sure what else to do besides wait and see what happens.

If this is the only one that hatches early he's going to be one lonely little keet for a few days until the rest of them hatch.
Quick update! I woke up this morning to 4 hatched keets and it looks like 2 or 3 more have piped.. So much for 28 days incubation, today marks 21 days. 3 out of the 4 look strong and healthy, although 1 doesn't look good at all and I'm not holding out much hope for it. It's kind of sad too because it's a pretty little blond keet. Not a bit of brown or black on it that I can see.

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