Have to move outside, but temps from 20 degrees to 80 degrees!

I never use a night light for my chicks. From their first day here they learn that nighttime is for sleeping. If I left the wrong impression I do apologize! This video was taken when the chicks were 6 days old...I know I say "5 days" on the video but hubby corrected me later. At first the video is dark..don't adjust your monitor. <grin> You'll hear a little contented churling from them and then nothing but the annoying clock over my left shoulder. These are the only chicks who got to live in the house for a week. The rest go outside almost immediately, after I've assured myself that they are eating, drinking, pooping, and recovering from shipping well.


@KirstenColorado Your coop looks fantastic. I forgot to mention that, sorry! Isn't it great that so many people are always so willing to share their experiences? I've learned so much here, and I keep learning. The great thing about anonymous advice is that you can read it all, then pick and choose what fits your situation and politely acknowledge and then ignore what doesn't. Nobody ever knows!

Ken is doing great, thanks for asking! It's always easy to tell you are living in Wyoming when you step out the door and get a mouthful of Idaho. <sigh> You know it well - the wind never stops! Sounds like you have a sound plan all going.

Okay, took the leap! The gals are outside in 41 degrees! Doesn't seem to bother them (see you all were right!) I did have to put them into the "intermediate predator proof" coop since it took about 8 minutes before a hawk found a potential free meal! I'll finish the cover this week when it goes back up to the mid 70's. They seem perfectly happy! Thanks for the reassurance!
Thanks Blooie... they are soooo cute! I read your reply again...that's my mistake not anything on your part. I think we will hold off on the night light and hope they settle down.
@ KirstenColorado.... I believe I will sit quiet the next time I want to complain about our chilly temps here. I love snow for Christmas and maybe a week after but then it's got to go until the next winter. Good luck with your babies :)
Wow, @Blooie ! I'm thrilled to hear about your success with these chicks in WY! Have been there freezing my behind off in June...you made me feel a lot less guilty about the no heat lamp thing! :)
Why, thank ye kindly! I'm sure enjoying chicks much more this year than last year. Last year all I did was stress and worry and hover over them. This year I feed 'em, water 'em, let out to play in the yard, and bring 'em treats. Life is good!
I did it, I did it!! Thanks to all of your help and reassurance, the girls spent a good few hours outside even when the temp got down to 39 degrees during the day. They were cold, so I brought them inside for the evening, but I'm going to let them sleep in a little cooler area tonight.
What would I do without you all?!?!?

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