Have we lost them?


In the Brooder
May 8, 2015
North East, UK
So our hen has been sat on 13 eggs up until now, I wasn't convinced they'd all be chicks/fertile so posted on the forum before.

I've just been out 2 candle the eggs 2 find the chick is now only sitting on one egg and has buried the rest under straw. 11 eggs were together under the straw and felt cold I've candled them all and I'm 90% sure 10 of the eggs were fertile, after looking at candled fertile eggs on google I'm sure ours were.
There's one egg buried under straw well away from the others this one felt extremely cold and I'm sure it was fertile.
The one she's sat on is warm and indeed I think that is fertile 2.

I'm just wondering the ones under the straw that are cold does that mean they won't develop? Should i leave them in the nest she's made for them? Do I take them out?

Have I caused her 2 do this by peaking at the eggs the other day?

Am I just being silly.
Hens try to adjust their eggs and turn them regularly every day, and this can lead to them getting buried. Eggs that go cool a few hours can still be saved if they are tucked back under the hen. They go dormant, and so will hatch a few days later than is normal.
Make sure the straw is well packed down so this won't happen again.

I hope they all hatch well. Best of luck!
Thanks for your advice after reading your comment I rushed back out 2 sneak some eggs back under her. She moved from the spot she was and indeed there were more than 1 egg under her so that's put my mind at ease, I put the rest of the eggs under her. I think we are about 2 enter week 3 of her sitting on the eggs so I guess not long 2 find out what's going on. Hopefully they'll be healthy and fine.
I'm worried sick about them lol stressful but we worth it soon.
Thanks again for your advice

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