Have you ever gotten something in the mail that made You


11 Years
Jun 29, 2008
New Hampshire
Laugh so hard that the restof the family thinks you gone off the deep end?

Thursday I bid on and won 18 Guinia Fowl eggs on ebay.
The Gentleman I won them from was awesome with emailing to check the address and to confirm they were sent out on Friday and should be arriving on Monday.
They did they arrived today at noon.
Amazingly enough the PO worker brought them in the drive way this time instead of hanging them off the mail box.

I decided to open up the box to let them air rest outside of the confinement.
ok all was good until:
I tried to find the eggs, expecting them to be loosly packed int he box with shredded news paper.
Nope I dig down through a thick layer of shredded paper and find a bag, no 2 bags, Cassi was diggin with me nope 3 bags , nope 4 bags all tightly surrounded by the shredded paper, ok 4 eggs cool I start digging around in the box further and come across the 18 crate, whew getting through all the paper was a trip , but heres what got me giggling and laughing so hard.
I pull out the egg crate very gently, and cut the tape off, flip open the lid and.... More shredded paper, gently brush off what I could and found all 18 eggs, started picking them out 1 x 1 and found yep you guessed it more shredded paper under the eggs.
By this time I am laughing so hard I couldn't control it.Cassi told me either stop laughing or step away from the eggs before I broke one or more.
Never before have I seen such a packing job! it was totally awesome.
If these eggs do not hatch from being in the mail it definately will NOT be the sellers fault.
I am still giggling over the packing.
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LOL...I got serama eggs the same way a couple of weeks ago from South Carolina. Every egg in the crate was surrounded by shredded newspaper. And so far I have 7 of the 11 eggs developing so hopefully you'll be lucky too!
just goes to show some sellers really do care that they get there in one pice. hope you have a happy hatching!
I had one of those 2 weeks ago. I LOVE BYC sellers. They LOVE thier chickens.

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