Have you ever had a nice rooster?

Sam is my current roo. He is gentle and funny. The first 3 roos 2 Astralorps, 1 unknown all eventually became attack problems. Sam is a Silkie. I assume he is so big as he came from Texas. At first he was too frisky and rough with the hens. Then we had a talk about bringing them something to eat, walking around and flapping a wing to get them in the mood. What's funny is he began adopting this behavior after our little talk.
Once he got sick and I was afraid he would croak but I put him in dog-crate-hospital with herbs, VetRx and colloidal silver. He is much tidier than the hens. Toilets in the back of the cage, never turns the bowls over, very patient and easy to handle despite those wicked looking 5 toes plus spurs. And I have seen him break up fights between hens. He is a joy.
Sam is my current roo. He is gentle and funny. The first 3 roos 2 Astralorps, 1 unknown all eventually became attack problems. Sam is a Silkie. I assume he is so big as he came from Texas. At first he was too frisky and rough with the hens. Then we had a talk about bringing them something to eat, walking around and flapping a wing to get them in the mood. What's funny is he began adopting this behavior after our little talk.
Once he got sick and I was afraid he would croak but I put him in dog-crate-hospital with herbs, VetRx and colloidal silver. He is much tidier than the hens. Toilets in the back of the cage, never turns the bowls over, very patient and easy to handle despite those wicked looking 5 toes plus spurs. And I have seen him break up fights between hens. He is a joy.
He sounds like a very good Boy!
Hi I have light Sussex and I have never had a rooster that wasn't gentle with people and hens and Noble with his ladies .
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