Have you ever injured yourself????broken bones welcome here!!

When I was 8 I fell of a fence and broke my ankle.

When I was 9 I got my finger slammed in the car door. My finger turned purple and my little brother called it my "purple finger".

When I was 9 I had just finished eating Christmas Eve dinner when all of a sudden my side started hurting horribly, horribly bad. It felt like someone was taking kitchen knives and stabbing me. It was total mayhem for a little while. Picture this: Daddy has me and is running me torwards the car, mommy is handing out jobs for my papa and daddy to do while mommy and I are at the hospital, my little bro Ryan is running around screaming, and my grandma was crying. I asked mommy if I could change out of my PJ's, but she said no. I asked why and she said that we had to get to the hospital quickly. That is something that you don't want to hear! So we get to the hospital with me doubled over in the back seat. Mom runs in and gets a wheelchair and tells a nurse that we are coming. Mom wheels me in and the nurse takes me to a room and gives me some blankets. I ended up having to stay at the hospital from about 6:00 pm to about 3:00 am. During that time they were doing all kinds of tests and stuff. The catscan was the worst. The nurse gave me a shot. She said for me to tell her when my bottom got warm and tingly. It eventually did. I still don't understand the whole tingly bottom thing. LOL!

Anyway, after all that time and all the tests, the doctors found nothing wrong. The pain lasted for about 2 weeks and it comes back now and again for about 1 day at a time. That is a Christmas that I will NEVER forget! I am just hoping that it doesn't come back that seriously again!
I was 25' up in a personnel lift and the tent floor under me collapsed. Dropped the lift backwards with me in it! I knocked my head pretty hard and went fuzzy for a few minutes. So far I'm the only company employee to leave the jobsite in an ambulance!

Ended up with a pile of staples in my head where my ponytail holder gashed it and a beautiful bruise on my back the same shape and size as the control panel I landed on. I even had "on" and "off" buttons until the bruise healed up!

I was very fortunate. The man before me and the man after me that had similar accidents both died.

Other than that, I have been mostly accident free!
Ilovemychickies- have you ever been checked for kidney stones when it hurts like that? Had a number of bouts similar to yours where I thought I was dying (or bursting an appendix!). Turns out it was kidney stones!
The first time it happened the doctors didn't figure it out. Thankfully they did the second go around and gave me lovely little happy pills to make it al feel better!
Well -- hmmmm - Miss Klutz here

First I can remember is a 1 inch by 3 or 4 inch splinter rammed in my foot. I WOULD NOT let the 'rents take it out. They ganged up on me when I was asleep. I musta been like 3 or 4!

I have numerous scars on knees from falling in the rocks at the country home in Pickens.

Stepped on a rusty nail when I was like 5 or 6 at the country home.

In 4th grade, got hit in the face with a ball bad enough to get a concussion and go to the hospital.

Got hit in the face often by baseballs in the backyard playing. I was such a tomboy. Shook it off and continued playing!

Numerous sprains and strains - like once every 6 months it seems!

Fell off my 'rents back deck and right back on a metal pipe straight down my spine - no broken bones but OUCH!

Little neighbor girl hit me right across the back with a baton - I still have vertebrae that go out at the drop of a hat in the area.

In 8th grade, stepped wrong and hairline fractured my ankle - we didn't have insurance, so I gimped around for several weeks until it healed.

In 10th grade, went roller skating the one and only time, and broke the other ankle - hairline fracture again. On crutches and off it for 2 weeks and had to march on it in 2 weeks.

In 10th grade, had my wrist twisted and possibly another hairline fracture by a friend.

Since the history of broken bones and joint injuries - I sprain things every couple of months because I'm allergic to latex and can't find joint support/wraps that don't have latex/elastic in them.

Was hospitalized in July 1998 for 3-4 days for god knows what. They never did figure out. I had a bladder infection 2 or 3 weeks previous, so all they could figure out was that I had a kidney infection - with a normal, actually LOW white blood count. My blood pressure was low for me. No fever, lots of abdominal pain. They were sure it was an ecoptic pregnancy, an ovarian cyst or an STD and they never figured out what was going on even after 3 days of IVs and antibiotics. After going to school for veterinary technology, the closest diagnosis I can come up with is Sepsis from the urinary infection.

Since that incident - I really haven't recovered. I have major joint and muscle pain, the depression and migraines that I had previously are much worse. I've developed allergies to everything. I've been tested for lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, etc. All negative. And the doctors will not give me the diagnosis of fibromyalgia although they have said in every word but that - that is what I have. Oh yeah - add polycystic ovarian syndrome to the list. But yeah - the first doc said it was all in my head and because I was obese!

I'm sorry I got off on a tangent! That's what I get for posting at 4:30 AM!
I think the worst I ever had was when my sister and I were playing some game we made up...

We were in Florida at the time, my parents were in Wal-mart(?), I was maybe 11, sister was maybe 10.

She took one of my dad's tools and hit me in the head, no pain, and had no idea why she was looking at me so worried, I started to panic and asked her what was wrong, she told me again and again I was fine and it was ok.

Finally I realized I was bleeding, wearing a bathing suit and barefoot I ran into Wal-mart screaming for my mother, a very nice woman had me sit down and took care of me.

A band aid was that covered my forehead was all I needed.... even though the cut was barely 3 centimeters. Still have a faint scar... and like I said, I think thats the worst injury I've ever hand...

((Could always find out other wise from my parents though.))
when i was 11 i mashed my middle finger off about 1 inch cutting fire wood. then when i was 19 i broke a bone in my hand punched a car door. got a pin in it lol. when i was 28 i cut the same middle finger off about another 1/2 inch dropped a electric motor on it..
Hey...Lucky me I have never broken anything...
BUT...my knee caps dislocate on a regular basis!!

Oh Yeah!!
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I managed to cut my thumb open on an ice maker on my father in law's fridge. My husband found it hilarious. I'd put my glass against the very edge of the little lever, and it slipped off and the lever hit my knuckle
I'm horribly accident prone.
Nurses on the surgical floor call this the Holiday Rush. It follows a very predictable pattern. Starting at 2pm on Thanksgiving and Christmas and lasting for about 2 days we have massive amounts of gall bladder surgeries. Every year..... without fail. Everyone is pigging out on high fat dinners and desserts and their gallbladders go beserk.

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