Have you ever moved eggs from the incubator to under a broody and had a successful hatch?


9 Years
Apr 12, 2010
Harpers Ferry, WV
I only have one incubator. I have two hens who are broody right now and are proven moms. I have two batches of shipped eggs in my incubator. The oldest batch has four viable eggs going into lockdown on Wednesday. I paid a lot for these eggs and out of 24 only four made it so I really want them to hatch (trying the egg carton method with the other shipped eggs this time in hopes to get more).

I am trying to figure out if I should run out and get another incubator (I just use a still air LG) or if I could slip these eggs under one of my broodies. But I don't want to experiment with them! LOL

Have you tried it? What were your results?
I have never tried it from incubator to mother but I have done from one broody mother that was done sitting to another broody in a different box and it worked out great. Sorry I don't have exactly what your looking for. Good Luck
I'm very curious about this as well. I have a broody sitting on 4 bantam eggs right now and I was wondering if I could slip a few eggs from my bator under her (the eggs are on day 16). I might change the eggs out tonight... I don't have any particular attachment to these barnyard mix eggs so it could be interesting.
I did this last week. I put 2 eggs from my incubator at day 16 under my broody silkie and 1 hatched uneventfully the other didn't even pip. I'll be watching to see what happens with yours.

When I realized my hygrometer (or whatever that thing is that monitors the humidity level) was not working I grabbed a couple and gave them to my broody. She was already setting on a full clutch so I was risking adding 2 more (which is why I was using the 'bator in the first place).

They both hatched...

All (expect one) incubator babies drowned in their shells
. At least I saved two. I had a second thermometer as a backup, incase the one wasn't accurate, but didn't do the same for hygrometer. They would've actually been better of without it at all. It was reading low, so I kept increasing the moisture. When I realized the hygrometer reading wasn't reflecting the added moisture, it was too late.

Good luck! I think they'll be fine.
I had a hen go broody so took the eggs out of the incubator and stuck them under her. They hatched. I think they were day 18. FYI I have actually never had a successful hatch IN an incubator!

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