Have you seen those cool old-time 'Tube Feeders' ? Well, here's a new twist on an old idea

Cool would love to see it! I assume the tray is PVC also? And isn't there a cone inside??
Hey Aart,

The tray is plastic, and there is an inverted funnel on the inside which disperses the feed evenly. The cylinder is mounted on a threaded rod, so turning it raises and lowers it to adjust the flow of feed into the tray. Thanks for asking questions!
The cone is not shown in this pic?

You're right! the cone is not in this feeder, this is one we set together to test the parts. The inverted funnel was left out. There are two brackets, with a welded nut on one of the brackets. The second one is there to prevent the canister from wobbling. There is a hole in the bottom of the tray i which the threaded rod goes through.
if you're talking about diameter you are correct. Yeah i experimented with shallower trays (looks better!) but the deeper ones prevent a lot of the spill over.

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