Have you used chicken nipples?

So I thought of another thing, if it needs to drain somehow...you could also did a trench from that framed in box to the outside of the coop. Fill that trench with gravel so it directs the water out of the coop. Make sense? If not, message me and I can attempt to draw up some plans for this!
Ive only had one problem,a rooster who figured out that if he held it up the water nipple lever water would just continue to come out! The rooster is gone so i have no problems now.
The nipples I got off ebay leak terribly. The water just runs right out from the center hole, the metal plunger does nothing to stop the flow. I ended up getting a 4-nipple waterer made of pvc from QC Supply. I hope it doesn't leak!

Check these out.


PM me if interested.
Our girls spent their first night in the coop this past evening.

We created a nipple watered with a gallon milk jug. They caught on fairly quickly. What I'm noticing is that when they drink, the water flows sideways out of their mouth and makes a wet spot on the floor. Do I have the watered too low? Or does it take a while for them to learn how to capture it all in their beak without dribbling?


They will Nevermind capture it all, so you will have a wet spot below. A few things can be done to mitigate the problem, though. You can put a bowl filled with rocks underneath, so that the water drops below the surface and can evaporate. Just make sure it is tall enough that they won't kick bedding in to it. Also, you can add sand to that area and it won't get a muddy-type wet.

Personally, I don't worry about it. I throw grains and such in the coop bedding to give the girls something to keep them occupied while cooped. They turn over the bedding enough that it becomes a non-issue.

You can use the poultry "cups" if this is a serious enough concern for you. They operarate under the same principal as the nipples, but are supposed to be drier. I hadn't found a reasonably priced, high quality product, though, so I stuck with the nipples. Others on here swear by them.
Thanks so much for your response. It's not a real concern as I have vinyl under the sand. I just wasn't sue if it was caused by something I was doing wrong.

I'll try some rocks in a dish to contain it. It should be heavy enough so they don't knock it over.
Funny,i never see any wet spots under my waterer.Than again its so dry here that water drys up fast here. I broke down and put two nipples under a two gallon pail.Its working fine.This was part of my summer prep for the heat. I also opened up the end of the green house and added a wire fence to help keep the varmits at bay.I have an electric fence setup,with four wires running in front of the fence. Next lasers!
Okay, I must have dumb chickens. They simply cannot seem to figure out the whole chicken nipple thing. I tap the nipple and they come running and then just try and drink water off the dirt floor of the coop, never seem to think about looking up to see where the water is coming from. I'm thinking of super-gluing some ribbon to hang down to get their attention.
Okay, I must have dumb chickens. They simply cannot seem to figure out the whole chicken nipple thing. I tap the nipple and they come running and then just try and drink water off the dirt floor of the coop, never seem to think about looking up to see where the water is coming from. I'm thinking of super-gluing some ribbon to hang down to get their attention.
Not dumb my guess is they are used to some sort of dish type waterier. You need nipples that don't leak so they don't have that puddle.


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