Having a terrible hatch !


11 Years
Mar 29, 2009
columbus ohio
I have NEVER had any trouble before this hatch. This time I have chicks piped at the wrong end, chicks pipping then dying, chicks zipping then dying and they are all 2 days overdue. What the heck did I do wrong? I did the same thing I always do. Humidity 40-45% through the hatch temp 100.0. I am so bummed this sucks. I cannot believe they made it all the way to die in the final stretch!Any advice?
I have NEVER had any trouble before this hatch. This time I have chicks piped at the wrong end, chicks pipping then dying, chicks zipping then dying and they are all 2 days overdue. What the heck did I do wrong? I did the same thing I always do. Humidity 40-45% through the hatch temp 100.0. I am so bummed this sucks. I cannot believe they made it all the way to die in the final stretch!Any advice?
Well, is your bator forced air? Have you checked the accuracy of your thermomter/hygrometers in a while? Usually late means lower temps. Maybe your thermometer gotten off a bit??
Yes I just bought a new thermometer and hygrometer. I have a still air and my temps must have been too low. I measured with 4 different thermometers but ended up using the one that calibrated correctly. I will just have to turn it up next time a degree or two.
Yes I just bought a new thermometer and hygrometer. I have a still air and my temps must have been too low. I measured with 4 different thermometers but ended up using the one that calibrated correctly. I will just have to turn it up next time a degree or two.
Still air is supposed to be 101-102F measured near the top of the egg, so that could be a contributer. Don't trust a new thermometer though just because it's new (unless maybe a spot check or high end one.) I did on my first hatch. Brand new thermometer was 6 degrees off. It cost me my hatch because I trusted it. Lesson learned. Good luck in your next hatch.
I incubated too low then. BUT- I got up this morning on day 24 and there is a chick out and 4 other pips that are alive and making progress! SO HAPPY

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