having chiggers and remaining sane...

Chiggers don't actually stay in the skin. They just bite you and fall off. Terrible things to deal with though!

When I got bit, I use lots of anti itch cream and anti allergy medication. Essentially, the itchy bites are like an allergic reaction. Anti-histamines can help take care of the itching.
Well, I am still alive. ..not sure about the sanity, but I wasn't sure about that to begin with.
The ammonia seemed to work the best. I do not know if it broke down the itch tube so my body did not have to, or what.
The fingernail polish might do the same.

Rebel cowboy, I have experienced all of those but never seed ticks in that quantity. Yipes!

We were making plaster casts of animal foot prints-duh! Walk with the animals, itch like them too. How come all wild animals are not insane and running from the woods?

Thank you all for the helpful information and good wishes! I am going to make sure I have everything in the medicine cabinet ready for next time...
I'm curious to know if you tried the DE; I haven't on chiggers. I'm sure it has a drying effect but after reading all the educational material on why chiggers make you itch, I'm still wondering if it might help at least a little...
Chiggers aren't universally critter-loving. They enjoy a feast of rabbits, squirrels, and humans. MMMMMMmmm!!! They'll bite other things, but have preferences.
I have not gone to the farm to get the DE. I should get some to keep here at the house.

The extra histamines kinda threw me over the edge with the rest of my allergies, and I have let the other folks around here handle things for me. I will pick some up tonight when I go gather the eggs and put up the girls for the night.

I would think that it would work very well mixed with the sulfur as a preventative also. I wonder if it acts like a calamine lotion after the bite. Like the kaolin clay?
I love hiking, biking, camping and the like. I can't believe I did not prepare well this time.

Everyone in my maternal family line has gotten dementia. I guess I am one step closer...
I keep a little plastic squeeze bottle of DE in my kitchen; to make sure I always have some. Fire ant bites leave scars on me if I don't get them treated within an hour or so. It may just be me and my system, but making a paste of DE and water and letting it dry on the bite area is the ONLY thing I've found that will keep them from being a real problem. I use lots of essential oils for things at home and my 'go to' treatment before I found the DE to help was tea tree oil. But for me, it is a distant second to DE.
Actually bee stings and fire ant bites are helped by meat tenderizer. It breaks down the proteins that cause the reaction. I wonder if it would work with chiggers. I'm not sure, however, that I really want to put meat tenderizer where I usually find chigger bites. Hmmmmm, have to think about that one.
my DH got them bad last week
. walking on the grow up firebreak , he can't get his hand and foot wet for 6 more days. he did not take a clorox bath when we got back from our walk i did i did not get any .

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