Having trouble diagnosing and treating a sick hen (Updated with pics)


8 Years
Dec 21, 2011
Yesterday one of my Delaware-New Hampshire hens around 7-8 months old started acting oddly, it would not leave the coop and would stand around by itself fluffed up, most notably it would not go on a roosting pole at night. I noticed this first yesterday at night and I quarantined it today in the morning. Here are some symptoms that I have noticed: Not alert, does not move, her tail is down, feathers are semi fluffed up, poop is white diarrhea, lots of clear fluid oozing from nostrils or mouth (unsure because it happened once in front of me). She isn't eating a lot nor drinking as much as usual. No other chickens are displaying these symptoms and I have not treated this chicken yet as I do not know what is wrong with it but I do intend to treat it myself. I will update with pics later today or tomorrow. Can anyone shine some light on this?
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You need to quarentene her and start electrolytes in water or polyvisol w/o iron. Will she eat anything? Try her favorites,hand feed if you have to, try to get her to eat...-High energy foods: banana/yogurt eggs........is there still liquid coming out of her nose? The pics willhelp....

Update: Today when I went to take pictures of her she looked more alert but she is still not walking around. Her feeder was full so she had not eaten but when I put the food up to her beak she ate a little bit, it appears the she is drinking water though as the bottle was 1/4 full.

Update: I looked the hen over completely and no lice. Also checked the crop and it was soft and squishy. She is eating a little and drinking. Feces are basically urine now. I'm thinking the hen might have a worm, any thoughts?
Update: The hen seemed better for the past two days, it would talk, roost on a pole, and seemed less fluffed up and her tail was up. Today, it looks really bad, she is jast laying on the ground with a wing out and her eyes closed. It looks like her comb is darker, maybe blueish, compared to the healthy hens. Any insight?
blue/purple combs are a sign of the hen not getting enough oxygen. Most likely she has a resperatory infection. You should treat her with antibiotics and see if she improves.

good luck

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