Hawk attack - eye injury help please!


Jul 2, 2016
My Coop
My Coop
My 9 month old BO hen was attacked by a hawk on Sunday - my daughter saw it happen and we scared the hawk off quickly so the only injury is around her eye. It is very hard for me to see what is actually hurt - these pictures were taken today. At first I thought she lost the eye but it's intact. There seems to be an injury to the inner membrane though - I don't know chicken anatomy well enough. Can anyone see where the injury is here- is this just swelling? She did lose a chunk of tissue from somewhere - it came off when I cleaned her up.

She's eating and drinking and even laid a normal egg this morning so I'm pretty sure she will recover. I just don't know how to treat the eye injury except keeping it clean and putting antibiotic ointment on the scabby parts.

This same chicken survived a dog attack last summer and is my only girl who lays an egg every day without fail. She is one special girl! I don't want her to lose vision in this eye if we can help it.

Here's another pic that might be clearer. It looks like there is some white puffy tissue or membrane inside the eye. It's quite puffy too. If it is the inner membrane, is that something that can heal or can she live without it?
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I'm not a vet, but I think her eye looks okay. it looks like the conjunctiva is swollen. She really is a lucky hen. I would just keep an eye on it for any gunky drainage. Vetericyn eye wash or eye gel are good, but pricey products at feed stores. Plain saline is great for eyes, too. The swelling will most likely go down in a few days and the blood will most likely flake off eventually. I hope that she gets back to normal soon.
I saw that product when I was picking up electrolytes but balked at the $25 price tag...cheaper than a vet visit I guess. Thanks for the advice!

This chicken definitely has 9 lives!
I can't list exact brands--- because I don't consider myself knowledgeble enough--- but.... Tractor Supply and other agriculture stores carry alot of different poultry eye ointments that can help the healing process and relieve pain. Looks like she should be okay--- but a bit of extra care never hurts.

EDIT: Just saw the post above--- hmm.... the stuff I bought for my babies was only $7 a bottle.. I'll have to check the brand when I get home.
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Update - 5 days later, it looks fantastic. I did order some of that veterycn gel (cheaper online) but she was already healing by the time I got it. She is back in the coop with her BCF (best chicken friend) because she was lonely. I'm keeping the others separate for now. She was lower in the pecking order and I'm worried they'll re-injure her.

I'm so happy - she is my favorite and I totally thought I was going to lose her when I saw the hawk on her. Can you believe she also laid three eggs in her "hospital pen" this week too? She's an egg machine.

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