Hawk attack- muscle showing


Apr 12, 2020
North Central Alabama
We went outside to find a hawk on top of one of our chickens. We ran out scared away the hawk.

She had a little blood on her nostril and a little near her ear. We brought her in and she stood there a minute as I checked her over she has a gash on the back of her neck. See video/picture attached.

But is eating already, only 10 mins later.

2 questions;
Odds of survival with this big of a gash?
Any other tips, it seems to keep opening up more and more each time I check on her?

Not a lot of bleeding so far but it has opened up a great deal. I’ve sprayed her with Vetericyn Antimicrobial spray, placed her in a box within the house by herself about to feed her scrambled egg.


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We went outside to find a hawk on top of one of our chickens. We ran out scared away the hawk.

She had a little blood on her nostril and a little near her ear. We brought her in and she stood there a minute as I checked her over she has a gash on the back of her neck. See video/picture attached.

But is eating already, only 10 mins later.

2 questions;
Odds of survival with this big of a gash?
Any other tips, it seems to keep opening up more and more each time I check on her?

Not a lot of bleeding so far but it has opened up a great deal. I’ve sprayed her with Vetericyn Antimicrobial spray, placed her in a box within the house by herself about to feed her scrambled egg.
The wound seems to look bigger every time I go in: like her skin is sliding 😬
I don't know that there's much you could do to keep the skin from pulling away to be honest, aside from taking her to a vet to get stitches. Keep flushing the wound site as much as you can and monitor her for any changes. There's been quite a few chickens come back from getting huge chunks of skin ripped off, so there is some hope.
Keep her warm and quiet, and hopefully from moving around too much...
@Eggcessive know any other tips?
Hawks can hit chickens or other targets with a lot of force. I would spray her wound with the Vetericyn, then when dry cover it with Neosporin ointment twice a day. A clean towel for bedding can keep the wound cleaner. Hopefully, she has not any internal injuries. Keep her separated while her wound heals.
Hawks can hit chickens or other targets with a lot of force. I would spray her wound with the Vetericyn, then when dry cover it with Neosporin ointment twice a day. A clean towel for bedding can keep the wound cleaner. Hopefully, she has not any internal injuries. Keep her separated while her wound heals.
Could I use butterfly closures to help pull her skin together, since her skin is skidding further apart?
Update: 43 hours in, she is still eating, drinking and pooping (although runny), and wanting to walk around.

We have fed scrambled egg, tried oatmeal but she didn’t like that and she has eaten regular food. Today I let her outside for 30 mins to stretch her legs and let her chicken friends know she’s alive (although they were more curious of her wound). Hopefully by Saturday it will be healed up enough I can keep her outside, with a heat lamp (separated from the others though)

I can’t seem to get the feathers matted and stuck to the wound off though; not sure if there is anything I can do about that.

She did have a red open wound at the base of her head I found yesterday; I flushed it with saline and sprayed with silver and anti microbial spray. Then put Neosporin on it.


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I can’t seem to get the feathers matted and stuck to the wound off though; not sure if there is anything I can do about that.

She did have a red open wound at the base of her head I found yesterday; I flushed it with saline and sprayed with silver and anti microbial spray. Then put Neosporin on it.
Maybe try gently pulling them off with good tweezers? If they heal into the wound or skin grows over them you're going to have problems...

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