Hawk Attack on Goose


11 Years
Jun 5, 2008
How common is it for a hawk to attack a grown goose?

The geese were in the pasture yesterday and suddenly they all were flying toward the gate, with some looking back. Thankfully I was outside and quickly went to check out what was going on and saw a goose flapping some distance from the gate. As I approched a hawk flew away from the goose. Again, thankfully, no serious damage was done to the dewlap besides being all shook up and some minor wounds. She gave no resistance to being carried to the house to be checked out. I think it was a red tailed hawk. Not sure from that distance.

We have had hawks live in the area for years. Permanent residents. I had noticed a couple of weeks ago that I had not seen them in a while. All through the years there has not been any trouble from the local hawks, now this new bold one shows up. I will also need to pay attention to the wild doves to see if their numbers seem the same as before.

It just seems like a goose is too large of a target for a hawk. Or do they always attack them and the local hawks were the exception?
I have had a red tailed hawk nest in a big tree within 50 feet of my coop for years. Every year they raise at least one and teach it to hunt close to home where there are rodents attracted by feed spillage. They have never been a problem but I do net over my runs when I have ducklings or goslings. Every once in a while they will catch a rodent and start to eat it on the ground. If my geese are free ranging they kick up a fuss and advance in battle formation the way they do if a wild Canada drops by for a visit. The hawk is out of there in a flash. Your hawk might not know about geese or was mad with hunger. I'll bet he won't try that again!
well, well I just did some reading and yes some red tails do Migrate! I learn something new everyday from you Backyard chicken posters. Thanks
I was thinking the same prospects when our local red tail flew over. Fortuneatly he has not bothered any of our birds. Maybe the neighbors pigeons though.
Too bad you can't send the hawk out my way. I have a Sebastopol gander who LIVES to do battle with the hawks. I have never seen anything like it. He is totally fearless, and I'm sure that someday that will be his demise. I have literally had to get between him and my 105lb Chessie dog to break up the fights. My dog is great with all of my birds around here, but he and that gander are oil and water. The dog will charge him, and he stands there and takes him on. It's pretty funny actually, and he holds his own against the big dog.

So far, I have seen him with my own eyes, intercept a dive bombing Coopers hawk on two separate occasions. The first time, the hawk took off in shock as to what had just happened to him. The second time, the goose actually got a good grip on him and was beating him to death with his wings. I'm not a big hawk fan, but I saw what a horrific beating the hawk was getting and I made the goose release him. The hawk ran off into the woods, missing a few feathers and temporarily unable to fly. I haven't seen him back since.

This goose is as sweet as can be around people, but he just flat out hates anything that he percieves as a threat to him or the flock. I'm sure that one day he will pick a fight with the wrong predator and that will be the end of him, but for now, I'm glad to have him watching over things when I'm not there. If someone else had told me about a goose like this it would be hard to believe and I would be skeptical, but I have witnessed this bad boy in action. He is amazing, and worth his weight in gold.
I believe you! I have seen the following chased off my property by geese. Cats (they never learn), a fox, up to medium sized dogs, Eight foot long black snakes (a couple were killed by the geese), deer herds, Neighbors Bull that scared the ____out of me, A whole herd of milk cows which were ignored at first but when they went for the birds water and feed they had to go too. A pack of coon hounds that make the mistake of barking at the geese. and a couple of neighbor kids that liked to skateboard down my drive way. I didn't see it but it seems the electric meter reader (city boy) refused to read my meter any more unless the geese were confined. So I believe you!
I believe you! I have seen the following chased off my property by geese. Cats (they never learn), a fox, up to medium sized dogs, Eight foot long black snakes (a couple were killed by the geese), deer herds, Neighbors Bull that scared the ____out of me, A whole herd of milk cows which were ignored at first but when they went for the birds water and feed they had to go too. A pack of coon hounds that make the mistake of barking at the geese. and a couple of neighbor kids that liked to skateboard down my drive way. I didn't see it but it seems the electric meter reader (city boy) refused to read my meter any more unless the geese were confined. So I believe you!

Wow, and my whole flock flew/ran as fast as they could and left the one goose to deal with the hawk by herself. Cowards.....

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