Hawk attack... will new feathers grow?


8 Years
Mar 6, 2011
Upstate South Carolina
My hen got attacked by a hawk about 1 month ago. This photo is from a few days after where you can see where the talens punctured her chest. She is doing fine, active, and laying eggs again. However her chest is not growing back any feathers and is a little more bare. I have had her separated from the rest of the flock due to them picking on her. Does anyone have an opinion on whether or feathers will ever grow back in?


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If the wound is healed up and she’s feeling fine, she should be filling in soon. A hen can be bare from breeding until she next molts. Same with any other reason for feather loss. When she does start molting it should fill back in. You can up her protein in her feed during molt to help her through it more quickly :)
I can take an updated picture tomorrow, this one was from about 3 weeks ago only a few days after the attack, so yes her chest skin was still red and irritated. She is about 1 year old. I can't recall if she has molted yet. I'm trying to keep her separated until she feathers out due to the other hens picking on her.
I have a silver Sebright who was attacked by a hawk. She lost quite a few her feathers. It took a couple months (at least) but all of her feathers grew back!

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