Hawk Attack

Anyone here know where to find even larger nets? or a cheaper resource to buy very large rolls of netting?
I had a hawk attack on Saturday, Jan 15. It tried to get one of my full grown hens but didn't succeed since I chased it away. I grabbed my hen and ran into the house with her. DH went out to check on the rest of the flock but they had all run into the coop and were fine. The hawk came back into the yard a few minutes later, I assume it was looking to finish off my hen for dinner.
I didn't see any wounds on her except for her left eye. It was bloody and she wouldn't open it at all. I think she was (and still is) in shock because she would stand in one spot and not move. I've been putting a healing salve on the outside of the eye to try to help it heal. Today I got a good look at it since she opened it halfway. It looks terrible but at least she still has the eye. I don't think she can see out of it and her depth perception is off. Does anyone know of anything I can put IN the eye to help it heal?
I haven't seen this hen drink any water or eat any grains. She does eat the greens and onion pieces I give her for lunch. She's in a small chicken tractor by herself but won't scratch, dig or anything else. She just either stands in one spot or sits in one spot. Could she have internal wounds or maybe still be in shock?
I don't have the money to take her to a vet but I may call my local one tomorrow to see what he thinks. I sure wish there was chicken 911 we could call for free with our questions!
Sounds like a bad month for chickens and hawks. We also had our first lost this weekend to a hawk. My poor little Millie - a beautiful mille fleur d'uccle who gave me two babies this summer. The hawk came down over the top of the tractor and found the opening in the deer netting.

Poor DH spend the last two days covering the entire run around the chicken tractor with chicken wire and netting supported by aluminum fence posts. He did a great job (considering the temps were around 10 yesterday).

I'm checking into mylar ribbon. I've heard some people swear by it as it floats and flutters in the breeze and works a bit better than the CDs. In the meantime, all our other hens (three coops) are being kept indoors. Right now it helps since there is about 2' snow on the ground and no one wants to go out.

I have spend the last few years encouraging the crows. Feed, corn and dirty eggs left out for them to feed on. They have kept the hawks away until this weekend. Anyone else have any suggestions for keeping the crows close by.
I lost a couple birds to predators recently too. I think its due to the very little foliage. The day we got our first frost and the leaves dropped I lost two to a hawk. I think the loss of cover has played a huge role in chicken losses for me at least.
My girl seems to have completely recovered from her attack but the hawks are everywhere these days and we have to be vigilant and stay outside almost all the time ! Don't get much work done that way ! I'm so looking forward to spring !!
I bought an opthalmic solution from my local exotic vet since it was cheaper than the one the feed store had. My hen's eye looks better on the outside and the big white spot that was in the corner of it on the inside is gone. She still has terrible depth perception. When I feed her, she starts opening her mouth halfway to the food dish. When she doesn't get food in it, she gives up. She won't eat regular food so I've been feeding her oatmeal; I have to hold the dish close to her face in order for her to eat. Should I just let her try to eat on her own so she can readjust her depth perception? I don't want to hinder her from learning to do things differently if she doesn't regain sight in her left eye. Also she still isn't drinking water. Is that ok?

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