Hawk attacks silkies, serious injuries


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Feb 22, 2023
Recently, I got three silkie chicks and they are currently six weeks old right now. We keep them in a dog cage outside so they can still peck the ground but be protected from predators. Or so we thought. When I went to check on them today, I saw a hawk standing next to the cage trying to peck at the silkies. It was making a strange noise repeatedly and when it saw me, it flew away. It pecked two of the chickens (or attacked), and I think they have some pretty serious injuries.

First silkie:
Spot above the eye is bleeding. The silkie won't open its eye unless provoked, so it must be a pretty deep puncture. I also noticed blood on the neck, but that wound doesn't seem as serious.

Second silkie:
Wing has a hole through it. It is bleeding very bad, and the hawk must have gotten a good peck at her.

The third silkie is okay though! Here are some pictures of the wounds:




I'm not too sure how to proceed, especially with a wing wound. Any suggestions?

Apply pressure to stop bleeding. Saline is good to clean wounds, but chlorhexidene or a wound spray like Vetericyn is also good. Dry the wounds and then apply plain Neosporin triple anti ointment twice a day. Thank goodness the hawk could not fly down at them or get inside. A dog crate will not protect them enough from a predator who can peck or grab at them.1/2 inch hardware cloth wire is the best thing to line your run or a crate to protect them. Hopefully the wing is not broken. Watch for signs of infection or an abscess. Let us know how they get along.
The bleeding has stopped, and they are looking okay, but they are laying down and won't move that much even when I wave my hand at them (they used to be very scared of me since I think they thought I was a predator).
They may be scared, in pain, or in shock. Offering some water with sugar 1 tsp per cup, or electrolytes might be helpful. Cooked egg bits and watery chicken feed might perk them up. Let us know how they are getting along.
They've gotten way better, but the silkie with the damaged wing is pecking at its own wound. That also made the other chickens peck at it too, so we separated them. Other than that, everything looks uphill!
Or so we thought. When I went to check on them today, I saw a hawk standing next to the cage trying to peck at the silkies. It was making a strange noise repeatedly and when it saw me, it flew away. It pecked two of the chickens (or attacked), and I think they have some pretty serious injuries.

They've gotten way better, but the silkie with the damaged wing is pecking at its own wound. That also made the other chickens peck at it too, so we separated them. Other than that, everything looks uphill!
Sorry to hear about your chicks, you've received good advice about caring for their wounds.
If the one if picking at her wing, you may need to cover her with an infant t-shirt so she's not making it worse.
Silkies seem to suffer from trauma a little worse than others at times, so I would also give them vitamin therapy to help bolster them. I'd give 400IU Vitamin E and 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily along with a little egg for at least a week.

Unfortunately, Hawks can be very tenacious. They will worry a bird to a corner and if they can reach in with bill or claw to pull parts of a chick(en) through wire or caging, they will. I've had Hawks land and try to get into secured runs, literally at the door, banging against it.
Hardware cloth is best, so, if possible, cover the cages with hardware cloth or if you have a secured coop/run for the chicks, place them there. Otherwise, bring them into a garage or outbuilding for protection and to heal.

I hope all 3 recover quickly, they sure are cute.

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