Hawk, Cat, or Other


In the Brooder
Mar 25, 2016
Predator ate only the meat of the neck, leaving the head attached via trachea and spinal column. I assume that this couldn't have been done by the rest of the flock. 6 year old bantam rooster been with the flock for 5 years. The rest of the hens are full size or half bantam, between 1-2 years old, raised from eggs. Watched the roo successfully fight off a hawk from the kitchen window before I could run out and intervene when he was 2.5 years old. I've seen fox(takes whole bird) and racoon kills before and they were not like this.
pic of bird layed out on porch: https://i.imgur.com/Vsd32PH.jpg
scene of the crime minus bird: https://i.imgur.com/775fPOO.jpg

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