Hawk killers? Liege Fighter?


In the Brooder
Jun 2, 2019
Hi, I was wondering if any one has first hand, heck or even second hand knowledge about the Liege Fighter rooster being able to kill a hawk? There is very little information available about these birds, and I have scoured the web. No was has footage or first hand experience of them protecting the flock from hawks... Some sights say they do, but provide no real examples... A person selling eggs on eBay quoted what Greenfire farms has to say about “pity the hawk,etc” but when asked if they actually can kill a hawk, she backtracked from her add and said, no they can’t kill a hawk... Just wondering if anyone knows anything about this claim. Thank you
The hawk is NOT STUPID to engage in a fight. The hawk can easily fly up so it would of course be safe. The only reason a hawk will attack a chicken,,,,,,,, is to get a meal. It will also try to get the weakest, docile of the bunch.
If it came to a duel between your Liege Rooster, and Hawk, it would have to be in a controlled cage, to realistically take place.
If hawk only saw the rooster below, I would assume it would pass and move on to an easier meal.
WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and :welcome
Thank you, I am aware that hawks attack because they are hungry. Also, aware that they look for an easy meal... Roosters make easy meals, they are normal first to die defending the hens... Thank you for taking the time to respond, but I was hoping someone could chime in, that has experience with the Liege. Thank you
Most cockerels will give the warning call when a shady predator gets too close for comfort. This tells the rest of the flock to run for cover.
Thank you for taking the time to comment, burn I am starting to feel like I am in the twilight zone here!!!! I know ALL about roosters! I have several lol!!! I am asking about a specific breed of rooster! People claim it can kill hawks! It’s called a Liege Fighter Rooster... I want to know if anyone has intimate information on this breed. That is all lol! I must not have been very clear in my original question or something lol!!
Thank you for taking the time to comment, burn I am starting to feel like I am in the twilight zone here!!!! I know ALL about roosters! I have several lol!!! I am asking about a specific breed of rooster! People claim it can kill hawks! It’s called a Liege Fighter Rooster... I want to know if anyone has intimate information on this breed. That is all lol! I must not have been very clear in my original question or something lol!!
This something you will need to figure out yourself. I read your sources, the sources are peddlers trying to sell the breed to an audience unfamiliar with them. I think they will be big enough to intimidate smaller hawks, but you need to indicate hawk species involved and demographics of flock to be kept.
Knowing how a hawk comes in after prey, I doubt many roosters have the capability to take one out but I have seen claims of it by owners of this specific breed. Just hard to know if the rooster you choose will actually do it because each rooster has it's own personality and agenda.

I got big breed chickens so they're harder to carry off, but its been quite the experience having them because they need certain accommodations.
This something you will need to figure out yourself. I read your sources, the sources are peddlers trying to sell the breed to an audience unfamiliar with them. I think they will be big enough to intimidate smaller hawks, but you need to indicate hawk species involved and demographics of flock to be kept.
Thank you for stating the obvious lol
Knowing how a hawk comes in after prey, I doubt many roosters have the capability to take one out but I have seen claims of it by owners of this specific breed. Just hard to know if the rooster you choose will actually do it because each rooster has it's own personality and agenda.

I got big breed chickens so they're harder to carry off, but its been quite the experience having them because they need certain accommodations.
I agree! I guess no one has had any experience with the Liege Fighter Chicken on here so far. It seemed a bit far fetched, that they would actually kill a hawk that tried to eat a hen, which is why I stared this thread.... I agree about the larger roosters

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