Hawk on our backyard fence!


14 Years
Jun 8, 2008
Delphos, OH
I didn't know I was attached to my two chickens until I saw a hawk on the fence tonight! I was at the computer and heard my EE making a lot of noise like she was being chased.
I ran outside and there was a hawk sitting on the fence right in our backyard! We don't even live in the country so I didn't think we would have this problem.
Well...apparently I love my 2 girls because I ran out there right for the hawk. It flew away when I got a couple feet away. Next time I'll grab the shovel!
Now I'm afraid to let them freerange especially when I'm not home
Oh yes! Now the hawk knows where dinner is. I saw that someone (can't remember who exactly) hangs cd's around their run, you could do this on posts or trees, to help deter the hawks. They will blow in the wind and when the sun hits them it scares the hawks off. I sure am glad that you saw that hawk and that he didn't get himself dinner. I know that scared you to death!
Yeah I was in a panick because I couldn't find my leghorn. She was hiding on the porch! I'll definitely have to look into something that will scare the hawk away.

I locked up the coop early tonight!
I don't blame you there! I would have also. Just FYI, it is illegal to harass or shoot any bird of prey. You will have to find a means of scaring it away without you personally doing it. Thought you might want to know that. The fines are astronomical.
I have a family of red tails living in my neighbors tree. Nothing you can do because they are protected.

Its a pain in the a$$ to put a roof on the chicken run, but that is what I'm going to do this week.

Its funny because a bunch of small birds will gang up on the hawks and chase them around.

They have not bothered my hens yet, but I've been waiting for the day.
Yikes! Good luck with that! At least I have only seen the one. It wasn't doing anything that I saw...just watching and probably waiting for a chance to swoop in.

I haven't seen it today and I left all the windows open to the backyard so I can hear the chickens' cry for help.
LOVE the CD idea..Does it work?? I'm by no means overrun with hawks but have one cruise by every now and again. He sits in the star pine and taunts the chickens. So far they're smart enough to hide under the trees but when the smaller ones are added to the rest of the flock...i'll be really worried about them.
I don't blame you there! I would have also. Just FYI, it is illegal to harass or shoot any bird of prey. You will have to find a means of scaring it away without you personally doing it. Thought you might want to know that. The fines are astronomical.

well what ppl dont know what hurt em so do whatever u want as long as u dont get caught

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