Hawk or other preditor


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 1, 2014
Berlin, MA
My silkie was attacked by something today. She has a wound about 1.5 inches long on the back of her neck. We cleaned the wound, used bacitrasion on it, and lightly backed and wrapped it. Not sure if there is anything else I can do for her. We brought her in the house and have her in a box with shavings and water. She hasn't been to the water bowl, but I think that's because it hurts to raise her head. I will help her drink if she's still not drinking in the AM. I love my Tiggy...and wish I could do more. But, I've recently lost my job and really can't afford the vet right now. Any advice?
Trim away all feathers sourounding it so they don't get stuck, keep it clean and wash with a saline solution ( such as lightly salted water or contact/eye solution. Keep her away from the others in the warm, she is likely in shock, if you can get some sugar water or nutri drop water into her then that's good. an antibacterial/antibiotic ointment is also a good idea, if flies aren't a problem and she isn't picking at it herself I would leave it un covered to heal faster. Wash the wound 2x daily for a week then 1x daily for a week. up her protein/carbs with something like meat scraps, or aviary/wild bird seed which will help her have energy to heal.

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