Hawk Solutions?


In the Brooder
Feb 23, 2016
I've had a hawk problem in the last month or so. Never noticed hawks around here before, but lately when I drive along the road to work I see hawks in pairs sitting on fences about every half mile. Way too many! Unfortunately, they like my chickens. So far they've killed two hens and a large (9lb) Buff Orpington rooster. Since then, I've had to keep my chickens confined to the coop and a covered 20ftx10ft run. Eventually I'm going to put bird net or some other covering over the larger outer run (2000 sqiare feet), but I haven't found the time.

I tried hanging CD's from wires, and the hawk got my rooster anyway. I've tried a scarecrow, but no effect. Since the hawks are gun-shy, I've thought of making a fake shotgun out of wood to add to my scarecrow, but haven't gotten there yet. I asked a guy at church what he does about the problem, and his response was "I just shoot them." Legal, but not easy. I work nights, and so being up in the morning during "peak hawk time" is a problem. Also, they are gun-shy and won't let me in shotgun range if I'm carrying one.

So what do you do? Is bird-netting the whole outer run the only way to go?
It's very illegal to injure or kill any raptor in the USA, so a very bad idea. When a hawk visits my flock, the survivors are locked in their safe coop and covered run for at least ten to fourteen days, until that bird gives up and moves on. Having trees and shrubs around the coop area helps the chickens hide, and the cocks do help giving the alert. My bantams are taken more often than the big birds, and the youngsters are vulnerable until the survivors wise up. Most hawks will return every three or four days for another meal, so locking birds up for a shorter time will fail to protect them. Mary
My friend mentioned something called a "Depredation Permit" that a person can get from the state for free. I'm guessing it makes it legal to take care of whatever critter is causing the problem. He specifically mentioned you can get them for foxes and furbearers. I might talk to a former game warden I know and ask his opinion. Unfortunately, even if there's a permit to make it legal, that doesn't solve the problem that the hawks won't come within a hundred yards of me if they see a gun.

Interesting that they come around every 3-4 days. That's about the time period I had between chicken deaths. Unfortunately, I hear the hawks outside every afternoon, so they aren't going away. I've got trees and shrubs in the area too, so I guess the only permanent solution is to cover an entire 2000 square foot run with bird net or mesh :(
We have hawks as well, but they aren't big enough to want to bother with my girls. They come around every month or two, but since we have a multitude of pigeons, house finches, and house sparrows, they have thankfully so far chosen them. But I also have a hen who will cluck when a hawk is in the area and I will lock them up once she sounds the alarm, and then leave them locked in the run for a day or 2 until they leave again. Best of luck and I hope you are able to find solution that works for all, without having to shoot the hawks.
My three-hen flock was attacked yesterday, leaving one dead and the other two wounded. I think it might have been a hawk, but not sure. We live in an area where there is lots of wildlife. Can anyone tell me what a hawk attack might look like? The dead bird was not eaten but had large puncture wounds on its back. Any thoughts?
Sounds like a hawk attack. A fox or other ground critter would carry the bird off. My Buff Orpington rooster had his throat slashed, and some of his entrails were eaten. He was too heavy to carry away, unlike my two hens. Typically a hawk will perch high up on a tree or power line and watch for a while, and then swoop down from behind when birds aren't looking. In my case, they have some tall trees to use for this. I've read that they like the morning hours between 8-11 the best, and are more active this way in winter.
We bought disco ball ornaments after Christmas. We have a bunch of the small size and three of the giant size. They're beautiful and hopefully will reduce the risk of hawk attacks somewhat.
Sec. 64.002. PROTECTION OF NONGAME BIRDS. (a) Except as provided by this code, no person may:
(1) catch, kill, injure, pursue, or possess, dead or alive, or purchase, sell, expose for sale, transport, ship, or receive or deliver for transportation, a bird that is not a game bird;
(2) possess any part of the plumage, skin, or body of a bird that is not a game bird; or
(3) disturb or destroy the eggs, nest, or young of a bird that is not a game bird.
(b) European starlings, English sparrows, and feral rock doves (Columba livia) may be killed at any time in any manner and their nests or eggs may be destroyed, and such conduct does not constitute an offense under Chapter 42, Penal Code.
(c) A permit is not required to control yellow-headed, red-winged, rusty, or Brewer's blackbirds or all grackles, cowbirds, crows, or magpies when found committing or about to commit depredations on ornamental or shade trees, agricultural crops, livestock, or wildlife, or when concentrated in numbers and in a manner that constitutes a health hazard or other nuisance.
(d) Canaries, parrots, and other exotic nongame birds may be sold, purchased, and kept as domestic pets.

That Being Said

1. Don't discuss killing any raptor on the internet.

2. Purchase fence posts.

3. Dig post hole.

4. Put non-discussed item in bottom of post hole

5. Put post in hole.

6. Add concrete mix.

7. Fill remainder of hole with dirt.

8. Act like nothing happened.

9. Keep mouth shut.
Quote: i had a hawk attack one of my birds i was out in the yard and saw it happen ran over and kicked the thing in the face... my girl was injured and had wounds consistant with that deskription so yeah it was a hawk....
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