He is all grown up but what is it?


10 Years
Mar 1, 2009
southeast nc
I know it is a game of some kind just not sure what. Thanks jeff


He is a American game, as for the strain etc.. i can't say. but it's spangle and yellow legged.. i can't tell on the comb because of the sun but if it is straight comb. maybe a Kelso or yellow legged hatch, peacomb i would think more along the lines of a sweater (OR a yellow legged hatch since hatch's can come both.)

Being american gamefowl though it could be a cross of two to three strains, if you like him.. He is you're Yellow legged spangles. All that matters.


PS. Pretty by the way, bet he'll look even better when he matures.

ETA: In American Gamefowl there is not really a way to tell what is what unless you asked the person you got them from and they KNEW IT.. Gamefowl strains have been crossed with each other every which-a-way and then usually given the last name of the person who owned and bred them.. Kelsos-Walter Kelso, Sweater- Herman "Sweater" (Nickname) Mcginnis for example..
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The comb is almost like a tall walnut. Its not pea and not straight. Thanks for the help, he is a character definately has a personality and a half.

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