Head missing on free range bird

Ok I just lost my 8 month rooster and he was a pretty big guy, I heard alot of noise in the yard and looked over an seen him laying ackward in the yard (my roo) so when i went to investigate, his head was smashed and they were eating at his upper body, I hated removing him but his was pretty heavy. When I first looked over a big winged bird swooped down an flew to the trees as did every over bird out here. I'm pretty sure it was a hawk... Now my remaining 9 hens are skiddish an will not leave to far from their coop yet they wont let me lock them in either. Any suggestions besides getting my air rifled bb gun out and start shooting at the trees to get the birds to go away..., Help Help Help
You gotta lock up your birds until the hawk moves on.
Do they not come when you call them or feed them??
Where do they roost at night?
Do you have a run with a top?

Don't shoot a hawk, its illegal.
Raptors ,wont mess with the eggs ,gotta be a land mammal,fox may grab an go ,coon smash and grab at night,possum notorious about killing nesting hens at night,Owls pick em off the roost at night ,Hawks ,netting is only surefire way to protect your flock ,Government see s to it common folk cannot protect their stock.
I'm still not sure if it was a hawk or a fox I know I have had them locked up seance the attack and all has been well now well kinda least no more attacks I did loose a baby the day after the attack it was walking drunk and its head was all sideways in it so I put her down never seen anything like that but that was not related too the attack

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