Heart breaking day on the farm...

I am so sorry for your loss... very sad.. I must however agree that it is not the dog's "fault" - many have hunting instinct and will chase/kill birds especially after the frenzied scattering starts... In our own farm we have 2 dogs that cannot be out of the kennel when the chickens are free-ranging (and we have 2 other who don't even raise their heads!); we always have to triple check that either the birds or the dogs are secured! (Forced field rotation here - hard to manage but we love them all, so there we are!)

Can't animal control take the dog away since these people have denied ownership..? The pound is certainly not a great place, but better than you having to deal with it/shoot it? A dog can be "nice" to people at the same time that it is not at all reliable with birds/cats... (or maybe it is indeed not a "nice" dog after all..) of course your family's safety is the most important aspect of all this!! I get so mad with irresponsible dog owners... ugh!!! :mad:

I must praise you for trying not to get into a battle or "just shooting" their dog - neighbor fights can get so ugly - that is very honorable of you. I hope you find an agreeable solution... but at least at this point you have tried and you should be within your rights if the only solution is shooting it... Cheering for you/a [hopefully friendly!] resolution!
Sorry this happened.

Right now the world is filled with @$$holes. That's why there's so many problems. We actually could have more people on the planet, but we've got the wrong kinds mostly; the bad ones.

Well I can talk you through what you can do...

For starters check your fencing and how the animal got in both on your property and in the coop. This is the important part. And secure those spots. Start with the coop first, but don't end there. You can easily wire it shut cheaply and tie things up. Even using a bag of zip ties will work to get started; but combine them with some kind of metal fencing, or panels or something.

How big is your property and theirs?

You could also technically put up some kind of motion sensors. Because the dog will likely come back if the cops don't take it away. Its had a taste of fresh meat and blood. Once they do that its hard to let it go.

You could right up electric fencing if your fence line isn't too big. Back in the day people din't spend tons of money on this. They'd make it themselves using car batteries. I remember going with a family member to see some farms and accidentally touching homemade electric fences. (The charge wasn't enough to do damage, just give a little kick.)

(Um, the electric fence thing I don't know what your local areas laws say or are about...so technically if some little kids walk into it and get zapped I'm worried about them going after you by sue happy parents that have been spoiled their whole life.) I'm just saying this is an option...

Well...if looting and rioting comes to your town like it is others, you might want this stuff up anyway. Maybe the dog incident will help you get ready for the mobs actually.

A cheap option also is to get your own dog, something that will guard fowl but not eat them. (But this costs money.)

You can also tie cans on strings and rig them up where you think they are getting in. (Noise makers). If they hang from a fence and something is shaking a fence from trying to squeeze under or over then they jingle, etc. (low cost, low risk).

I wouldn't do traps. Too easy to get sued if people fall or step in them.

Also beware of enmity. You can never underestimate how people will react. Try to not show them you are mad because this can cause it to escalate.

You could also try to find out if other neighbors bordering you and them have had problems with their dogs before. (The police ironically might not check this. I found this out when one of my brothers was being a dink, and they let him have like 3 DUI and nothing happened because of lawyer mongering 2 of them are DWIs...which is the same thing only a trick lawyer move to get out of shi-...stuff.)

You could also put up a nanny cam option by the coop, or in it. (This probably won't cost much...but you might need extra long cords depending on the distance etc. And I'd make sure the electrical plugs aren't over anything flammable.)

Bottom line, be careful. The dog has to come back. He's tasted fresh meat and hunting. There's no way he won't come back, but maybe not tonight or tomorrow night if you still have fowl. And number 2, you should be really extra polite to these neighbors and nice because when they have to give up Fluffy they will blame you for it, and be mad.
Some folks are using hunting cameras instead of baby monitors. There are some with SD cards that record voice and video.
Some folks are using hunting cameras instead of baby monitors. There are some with SD cards that record voice and video.
Also Premier 1 has an electric netting fence for poultry you use the a low impedance fence charger. It is moveable/portable. I’m goong to get one myself. A lot of chicken farmers on youtube have recommended that brand.
My neighbors roosters are free ranging...and if they cross the property line to my house it's upwards of 800.00 per animal per day. That's just trespassing! Here if an animal is destroying your livestock or pets you can defend it lethally. I hope the dog is removed from the poor owners.
My elegant beautiful sweet bantams and little ducks were slaughtered about three hours ago by and neighbors wild ,dirty ,****ing asshole ,cruel dog....it’s really hurt me deeply and I want this seamlessly senseless act of cruelty to be answered for guess I’m just wanting some comfort and if possible a little info on deal with this mutt and if I can end it’s life legally ,any kind words and info would be greatly appreciated ,thanks to all the BYC members.
I feel your pain.. I have a farm. Call dog officer. If you can prove it was there dog. FEES AND REPLACE YOUR BIRDS. Next time shoot it!
My elegant beautiful sweet bantams and little ducks were slaughtered about three hours ago by and neighbors wild ,dirty ,cruel dog....it’s really hurt me deeply and I want this seamlessly senseless act of cruelty to be answered for guess I’m just wanting some comfort and if possible a little info on deal with this mutt and if I can end it’s life legally ,any kind words and info would be greatly appreciated ,thanks to all the BYC members.
We had a similar problem here with new neighbors. Three Labs, multiple times a day. Finally told them that the laws here allow us to neutralize their dog. After that, they would at least try to round them back up. One of the last times the dogs got out, (they just couldn't figure out how the dogs were getting loose-) he came over to chase him and
I took a shot at the dog's heels just to let him know I was not kidding.
They ended up getting in touch with the sheriff, found out there is "leash law" (with fines for violating them), and that we have every right to protect our birds.
Miraculously, they must have found the escape hatch dogs had been using. Only have been back once when I didn't have the rifle handy.
There are a whole lot of people out ther that should not be allowed to have dogs, or other "pets" for that matter.
My elegant beautiful sweet bantams and little ducks were slaughtered about three hours ago by and neighbors wild ,dirty , cruel dog....it’s really hurt me deeply and I want this seamlessly senseless act of cruelty to be answered for guess I’m just wanting some comfort and if possible a little info on deal with this mutt and if I can end it’s life legally ,any kind words and info would be greatly appreciated ,thanks to all the BYC members.
That is so terrible. I can’t imagine your pain and anger. Did you talk to the owner!? You can shoot an animal that is attacking your animals to the best of my knowledge.
We had a similar problem here with new neighbors. Three Labs, multiple times a day. Finally told them that the laws here allow us to neutralize their dog. After that, they would at least try to round them back up. One of the last times the dogs got out, (they just couldn't figure out how the dogs were getting loose-) he came over to chase him and
I took a shot at the dog's heels just to let him know I was not kidding.
They ended up getting in touch with the sheriff, found out there is "leash law" (with fines for violating them), and that we have every right to protect our birds.
Miraculously, they must have found the escape hatch dogs had been using. Only have been back once when I didn't have the rifle handy.
There are a whole lot of people out ther that should not be allowed to have dogs, or other "pets" for that matter.
That’s awful! Did your birds survive their raids!
When my neighbors dogs killed my chickens I called the sheriff. Chickens are considered property. He mediated my neighbors and my conversation. She wanted to pay for the chickens. I said no, just want her to control her dogs. I had her put up a fence to contain her pack of dogs and now I don't let my flock free range not only because of dogs but other predators. My chickens now are safe and her dogs are safe. Everyone is satisfied. Please don't shoot the dog. Its not the dogs fault, its your neighbor. Work things out with the neighbor and have animal control and law enforcement help you with the conversation. I hope things workout for you.

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