heartbreaker for sure.chick hatched with only one wing.


7 Years
Jan 8, 2013
I think I know what the answer is but hoping someone else may have had this happen
with a happy ending.
Went out to check our broody and a chick was pushed out of the nest laying on it's side.
I brought it in the house to check it out,thought likely a leg problem.
Discovered it was born with one wing other wise perfect............. It cannot balance to stand.
I am thinking I will have to put it down.......I hate that. .but would also hate for it to be
picked on it's whole life because of it's deformity..................
I would appreciate any feed back or thoughts.............
To late as far as emotions.it is in my pocket......................
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Give it a day or two to see if it can learn to balance. Chickens can live with one wing.
Thank You for responding.......................
Talked with my DH...who is currently holding the chick.........
We are going to give it a try and if all goes well try to find a home
with someone wanting a pet...
I'll update if you like and get a picture later.
She.(and she is) is very beautiful.
Thanks again, Tanya
Poor chick. I'm sure she'll learn to balance soon. It's amazing how well they can adapt. A bird of mine had seizures and a friend's pheasant had twisted legs and toes. Do you have any pictures? I'm curious what she looks like.

If she is having trouble getting upright you might be able to make a temporary fake wing to even out her weight. Maybe use a hair elastic or something else soft and snug (but not too tight) that would fit over the head and chest but under the existing wing so the elastic won't move. Add bobby pins, hair clips or something similar to the wingless side and if she can learn to balance with it slowly take one bobby pin off at a time allowing her time to adjust to the difference in weight between each removal. I can't guess how much time it would take, materials might need readjusting as she grows. That way she can adjust slowly. This is just an idea but in theory it should work. I hope she does ok.
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HI, Just wanted to check in for those that have responded to let you
know that the chick is doing great...getting her balance and is eating and drinking..............
She is currently snuggled under my husbands beard....good thing we are retired................................
If you have the time and patients, I might try to put the chick back under it's mama in the coop. But just stay around and observe her behaviour with it. If she pecks it and pushes it out repeatedly she may not accept it. I have brought home feed store chicks before to a broody who only hatched one chick and they were accepted. It would be so much easier for her to raise it.
HI, Just wanted to check in for those that have responded to let you
know that the chick is doing great...getting her balance and is eating and drinking..............
She is currently snuggled under my husbands beard....good thing we are retired................................
We gotta see a picture of that!
HI, Just wanted to check in for those that have responded to let you
know that the chick is doing great...getting her balance and is eating and drinking..............
She is currently snuggled under my husbands beard....good thing we are retired................................
Awwwwwww....I agree with theoldchick - we need to see that!!!!

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