
I'm so sorry for your loss :hit.
everyone has given me lots of good ideas. So far mine are coping but we have only been getting highs of mind 30's (celsius).
Mine also enjoy cold applesauce. I wonder how that freezes? I guess we'll try that, next!
It freezes really well, I've always frozen if for my human babies :lol:. You could do it in muffin tins then pop them into a bag / container for easy storage.
I'm so sorry for your loss! That's hard. Hang in there. It sounds like you were doing the right things, and people have given you good suggestions. I do what someone above said: I've got six small soda bottles that I keep in the freezer and rotate them out to the three waterers. I also freeze peas, corn, blueberries in water in muffin tins and pop a few of those out in the afternoons.
They all seemed to do well last summer in similar heat conditions and now I can't help but think I really f**ked up and should have known better to not have the pool/ frozen water bottles/ watered down ground for them.
Don't beat yourself up! We've all been there, or somewhere similar, at one point or another. The worst part is that we'll all be there again. That's why we have each other here on BYC. When we throw out a question or a problem, someone else has already faced it and shares what they learned, or they have a resource we don't and can look beyond the obvious to help.
This entire life is one big learning curve ... some lessons just come a little harder than others. I'm so sorry this particular one had to come your way!

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